My wife is has been asked to speak..


New member
at the Libertarian Party national convention!!

And it looks like I will be allowed to take my R&R from Iraq at that time so that I might be there.

Until this time she has been involved in local and even state level politics (having run for office twice and served on the Board of Directors for the Colorado Libertarian Party). But now she will be talking to the NATIONAL Party!! And it will be televised on C-SPAN. I'm pretty psyched that she has been asked to do this.

I just wanted to share the news.
Yes, indeed, that is an honor. She must be pretty active and effective too.

Please pass on my congratulations.
Congratulations from me, too!

If you're so inclined and don't mind posting the date and time of the speech once you have that info, I'll try to catch it.
I will post more information as it becomes available. The convention will be running from 22 May - 26 May. I believe that she is giving the closing speech of the convention.