My Wife bought me a .357 magnum for my birthday. God how I love her...........


New member
I have shot only rifles,shotguns and semi-auto's all my life.
I am a BIG fan of the German auto-loaders and much to my suprise she bought me a Revolver.
She said that since I am a big John Wayne fan that I should have at least one wheelgun.
She bought me a never fired, NIB Colt Trooper MK III and even had a trigger job done on it...
This must be an old gun as I cannot find it in any modern catalogue.
I shot it and I couldn't believe how accurate I was shooting!!!
Not only that, It don't feel comfy in my hand(s) with the big 'ol wooden grips. (my main shooter is the HK MK23 .45)

Is this a good gun???
What can I do about changing the grips to make it "feel" better in my hand(s).
I am really warming up to my new gift.
My Wife REALLY suprised me and before this I didn't really care for revolvers.....
Don't tell me my wife knows best....(LOL).
Thanks for any light you may shed..

Take care of that gal. She's definite keeper material.

Not only cares enough for you to cater to your noisy passtime, but goes out of her way to expand your shooting horizons.

DK, even if you have the slightest misgiving about any aspect of that Trooper-3, DON'T TELL HER!

Oh, and by the way--First impulse for many of us was to smile at the image of her thinking of that revolver as a "John Wayne gun." But wait--The Duke did in fact use a Trooper Mark III in one of the modern-setting movies. I believe it may have been "McQ." Duke makes a long range shot on a running criminal. When the uniformed officer shows up, he turns over a friendly witness and the Colt to him, and goes to the trunk of his car and digs out a Browning High Power to carry while the Colt's at the lab.

Do you suppose your lady is THAT big a movie buff, that she might have consciously picked out EXACTLY the proper resolver?

It IS a good handgun, too--Not quite as smooth as the Python, but susceptible to a good trigger job, if needed. Usually accurate, and quite strong. Those wooden stocks do sorta grow on you . . . .

All best,
Happy birthday!

Now, when your wife's birthday rolls around, you should get HER a handgun. The family that shoots together survives together.

Happy Birthday! Your wife is wonderful. I'll let the experts comment on the virtues of the Trooper 3, but, if it's an old Clot, it's probably an excellent firearm.
My wife got me my first gun about 2 yrs ago for Christmas, it was a Ruger GP100 in .357 mag. a buddy of mine got me involved in shooting about 3 yrs ago.
And to top it all off last month for our anniversary she got me a .22 Ruger Competition Model slab-side. These wives come few and f--a--r between.

Ruger GP100 .357 mag
Remington 12ga. 870 Express
Weatherby .300 Wby mag (Gone)
Browning Buckmark .22 (Gone)
Ruger Competition Model .22
Ruger Redhawk .44 mag
Ruger P95 9mm
Ruger M77/MKII .223 (On layaway)
P.S.-Not to bad for only 2 yrs.

Good Luck with it...
If the grips are the only thing you don't like about that revolver you're lucky indeed. One for having such a fine wife who will give you gifts like that, and two because grips are by far the easiest thing to change on a revolver. Head over to and see if there's anything you like, I'm sure one style or another will fit just find on your new revolver.
Happy Birthday, KID!

In this case turn-about is definitely fair play. So do exactly what David Scott said. You won't regret it.
Kinda funny that you should mention that your wife bought you a handgun for your birthday. My wife went behind my back and asked the gunsmith I use what gun had my fancy lately. It was a pre-Smith & Wesson model 10 (I think) .38 heavy barrel revolver blued with the combat sights matte black on the top strap. I had put money down on it and decided that our finances were too tight for the month to get it and got a refund. She turned around and bought it for me for our 5th year Aniversery! Unbenounced to her I had decided the next month to get her her first gun also for her birthday, it was a 3913 pre-Smith. I THOUGHT I HAD THE ONLY ONE IN A MILLION WIFE WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING! I guess I stand corrected. Your wife is definitely a keeper! AS IS MINE!
Thanks guys, It was a nice suprise and the Colt seems like a quality firearm.

My wife has a few guns of her own.

For our 10th year anniversary I bought her a Walther TPH
.22lr which she calls her baby PPK.

She also has...
*HK USP .45 compact with nite eyes and the UTL..
*Luger WWII Black Widow
*Colt 1991A1 .45
*1989 HK P7M8 (which she don't care for)

She only shoots a few times a year but when she does the old "front sight--squeeze" method really works for her.
Her favorite pistol is still my HK MK23 and one time she put 4 shots through the same hole at 7 yds...

She is not into firearms like I am but she tolerates my

She is my best friend...

(she still wants a Glock someday)
My bride of 18 years bought me a 1918 manufactured 1911 WW-1 Colt 1911 about 15 years ago and it is one of my prized possessions. She also bought me a really nice 1892 Krag Carbine for Christmas a few years back. Plus she presented my with two fine healthy sons since I married her. Wives like this are definitely keepers and you gotta love them.
