My two pennies on the Kimber K6s


New member
Yesterday I brought home the Kimber K6s. So naturally today I had to take it out and shoot it. It ran better than I thought it would. I put a box of 158 grain .357 magnums through it. And also ran a box of 130 grain 38 specials. The 158s really were felt. Nothing too terribly, but I felt them. The 38 specials were pleasant to shoot. Both loads were fairly accurate, as least as well as I could shoot today. It's been a while since I last shot anything, so I was rusty and a couple of times I did flinch. So any shots off target was me and not the equipment.

I love the extra round given to a snubbie in this gun. I also have a SP101 for carry concealment and having a conceal carry .357 with 6 shots is very sweet. If you are on the fence about the Kimber, I could only say that it worked well for me and is a welcomed addition to the family.
I like mine, but hate the boot grips. Ordered Altamont grips, in the hope it will
tame shooting the 357, somewhat. AFAIK, they are the only folks making a larger grip
for them, right now.

Other than that, This gun sits well in a holster or pocket, draws well, points well, has a very nice trigger, and has, IMO, superlative sights, for a snubbie.

As a die hard S&W fan, I really hate to admit how much I like my 3" K6s. My only complaint has been finding holsters and grips, as the after market support is still limited.




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I like that 3" model!
But I just called Kimber and they could not say if they are going to submit to CA for approval. (Only the 2" models are on the roster).
My Dad recently bought the 2 inch version with tritium sights. I haven't had a chance to shoot it,but trigger seems smooth and I liked the sights. Overall it seems very nice.
I got one for Christmas from the family and have to say it is a great revolver. Being a Smith and Ruger fan I was not sure how I would feel about it but after taking it shooting I have found it now as a primary CC gun. I really was surprised by the trigger and mine came with night sights so it was an easy decision to carry it. My FIL liked it so much he bought one for himself and really likes his as well. He bought a set of grips from Kimber to replace the boot grips on his for a better grip.
I do enjoy my K6s. It has a great trigger and runs flawlessly. I would like to see a better selection of grips and the only speedloaders I have seen aren't the style I like.

It's a heavy revolver for its size but that is true of a S&W m60 or a Ruger SP and the K6s has one more shot than the others. For me, the K6s wasn't the answer. When I carry a revolver concealed, it is an Airlite 342 or and Airweight 642. I can tote a Ruger LC9s with eight rounds for less weight than the K6s. But the K6s is a quality firearm and I would pick it over any other all steel snubby.
How does the Kimber K6 revolver compare in size to a K-frame Smith & Wesson? If it's not much smaller (or as light as the S&W Model 12), I still think there's no comparison to the long discontinued Colt Cobra/Agent revolvers when it comes to carrying a lightweight, compact snub-nosed revolver concealed. The Colts were six-shot revolvers that weighed under a pound and were only a tenth of an inch wider at the cylinder than a Smith J-frame.
I think the six-shot Ruger LCR revolver, chambered in .327 Magnum, is another good candidate for concealed carry duties. I do wish the K6 and the new Colt "Cobra" had the option of having an aluminum alloy frame.
I have a 2 in barrel Kimber KS6 laid away and can't wait to get my hands on it.. Bought it lightly used for $685 which I felt was a fair price. Love the trigger on these Kimbers. Smooth as butter. Will see what the recoil is like with 357 loads. FWIW Grade6man
I have owned one for a year. My S&W snuggles now reside in my safe. I have the model with CT lasergrips. It is a little jewel.
That looks like a Matt Whitefield holster in Rangegod's post above. I have two of them and they are extremely well made.
But I just called Kimber and they could not say if they are going to submit to CA for approval. (Only the 2" models are on the roster).

Wow, the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing! I posted this on 4/30/18 because the 3" model wasn't on the roster. But today I happened to check the newly added section of the CA roster, and apparently, Kimber added the 3" model to the roster on 3/18/18 a month and half before I asked the Kimber rep that question!

So we Californians can purchase a 3' Kimber K6!!!:D Goin have to save some pennies now....more like a dollar a day for 3 years!LOL
I have only handled two and liked most everything. The trigger was, in dry fire, “different”. I can’t explain it as it’s been a while but while smooth it just had a strange non traditional feeling to it. Not poor mind you but I remember thinking this is really different then I was expecting.

Maybe I was just hopped up on Zyrtec and it’s not as different feeling as I remember.

The two examples I saw were very nicely put together.
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My objection to the 3" K6 is that they appear to have the same length ejector rod as on the 2". With 357 Magnums this is a serious error on Kimber's part as far as I'm concerned. It's making me shy away from buying one.

Was at the LGS today, and got to fondle and try out the trigger on a Kimber K6. Was very impressed at the quality. What i noticed right off was the close tolerances of the barrel to cylinder gap, and that the cylinder was recessed for the rims and the gap on the back was extremely tight. Lockup was solid. Felt like a beautiful metal machine should!

The trigger was interesting! It locked up solidly half way through the trigger pull, and then there is some distance of travel on the rolling trigger break. Easy to stage if that's how you like to shoot. The pull was buttery smooth with no grit, like glass. The pull felt as light as my Kahr K40 in poundage and smoothness. Did not stack like my experiences with Smith and Wessons.

Definitely considering one, if I didn't like my LCR so much.
I've heard nothing but good things on these revolvers. Kimber really knocked it out of the park considering this is the first revolver they've ever made. Pretty impressive and they appear to be selling well.