My trigger finger slips after every shot?

C Philip

New member
My trigger finger seems to slip every time I fire a shot. What I mean is I start out with good form, having just the end of my finger on the trigger, but after I take the shot I have too much finger on the trigger (maybe the recoil moves it somehow?). I don't have unusually large hands, nor am I using a guns with small grips, just various full size autos (and no crazy calibers either, just 9mm and .45acp).

The problem is that because my finger slips/moves after I take every shot, I end up with too much finger on the trigger, and I have to re-adjust my finger after every shot! I know I'm doing something wrong, because theres no way you should be readjusting your trigger finger after every shot. My accuracy is just fine, but it's annoying to have to readjust my trigger finger, and not something I want to have to deal with in a self defense scenario.

Any suggestions or people who have had similar problems?
My guess is your grip. I don't have that problem with 9mm, 38 or 357. Well maybe alittle with 357. But, my 44 magnum bounces my grip, finger, wrist everywhere. Besides, it shouldn't be that uncommon for some trigger finger movement/adjustment. Along with your grip do you think your grips need to be changed? Have you tried rubber grips?
Finger slips

Philip, what precisely do you mean by the "tip of the finger" and "too much finger"?

I agree with 9mm that this sounds like a grip problem. When setting up for a first shot, can the "wrong part of your finger" reach the trigger? If so, you might be unconciously repositoning your finger during recoil.

If not, the weapons must be shifting in your hand.

Go back to the fundamentals and check your grip technique. In particular, do you push forward a little with the shooting hand and apply a little counter pressure with the supporting hand wrapped firmly around the shooting hand? This technique should prevent the weapon from torquing to the right, which I assume is happening (assuming you are R handed).

Are the weapon's grips unusually smooth?

How about fit? Is it possible that your hand is in fact a little large for the grips you are using. If the "wrong part of the finger" CAN reach the trigger when holding normally, try this experiment: wrap a piece of (preferably bicycle - thinner than auto) inner tube around the grip (the amount used adjusted to prevent TOO much increase in grip size), and see if that makes a difference. Does it prevent the "wrong" part of your finger reaching the trigger? Does it prevent the shift when you shoot? The rubber should eliminate any slip of the grip in your hand too. This test should help tell you if 9mm's suggestion of changing grips would help.

I would try solving the problem with the lesser recoil 9mm first, not using +P ammo. With the ligher recoil it should be easier to analyze what is going on. Then check with the 45.

Of my 3 9mm semiautos, the Model 699 S&W with heavily checkered Pachmyr grips is VERY stable and only the correct part of my finger can ever reach the trigger. My Hi-point has rather slick grips, and holding it in my right hand, I can easily rotate it to the R with my left; also I can reach the trigger with my knuckle. However, I have no problem shooting. The small, unmodified Kel-Tec P11 is less stable in my 2-handed grip, but nowhere near to the the extent you describe, and I can fire a magazine with little problem.

Something I just checked with the Hi-Point is a two handed grip with the left forefinger hooked around the trigger guard, a practice that is frowned upon today, but which I can't get rid of (old dogs ...). I found that using this grip it is absolutely impossible for the weapon to twist to the right in my hand. This might cure your problem, but if it doesn't I'd think you are unconciously re-positioning your finger. If it's the latter, I would recommend fatter grips that prevent it (based on my S&W fit).

Of course every hand is differerent, and what works for me may not for you.

After you make some adjustment to correct the problem, you may have to be patient to regain your accuracy. On the other hand you may shoot better:)

I hope these ideas help. Let us know the results.

I would guess the recoil is causing the gun to rotate slightly in your hand. Most likely due to weak grip. Make sure the "v" between your thumb and trigger finger is snug up in the curve along the back of your grip. This will allow you to absorb the recoil better and be able to get second shot sight aquisition more quickly.

Also make sure that your firearm is straight in line with your arm when you fire. The gun should be an extention of your arm, not angled in any direction.
I saw somewhere that they have a gadget that replaces your grip. It has a area that protrudes where your trigger finger would be and adjusts so that only the pad of your finger can touch the trigger. I'm not sure if I would use it myself, especially for defensive situations, but I guess it could be useful for the range. Don't use it as a crutch though since it will affect your shooting without it. I will try to find the website where I saw it.
I was experiencing the same when I got back into shooting recently. As I've read it, my issues were around the follow-through. This is to say that upon pulling the trigger, I would immediately reset my finger as the weapon was cycling. As the trigger returned to normal position, my finger would rest slightly different from the previous shot. So I now follow the cycling all the way through, holding the trigger as the firearm recoils and releasing it in a natural flow as the recoil ceases. I don't know if that made any sense without actually seeing me so I could demonstrate, but it has helped tremendously!!
When setting up for a first shot, can the "wrong part of your finger" reach the trigger?
Yes, my finger can reach well past the front of the trigger guard, meaning that I can almost wrap my finger all the way around the trigger.

In particular, do you push forward a little with the shooting hand and apply a little counter pressure with the supporting hand wrapped firmly around the shooting hand? This technique should prevent the weapon from torquing to the right, which I assume is happening (assuming you are R handed).
I'm left handed, so the gun torques to the left when I fire, this is probably what is making my finger slip. I've tried to apply counter pressure in my grip, but it throws my accuracy way off.

I'm not limp-wristing, but I don't have an iron grip on the gun either, I just hold it relaxed and comfortably. I'll try to hold it a little tighter next time I shoot, as the gun does torque to the left when I fire. I've tried to make a conscious effort to keep just the first pad of my finger on the trigger, but it still slipped.
From your description it sounds as if you have a long hand or long fingers; that plus the torquing you described suggests to me that a larger pistol grip and a modified grip using the forefinger of the R hand on the trigger guard as I suggested earlier would be worth trying.

I don't understand why your weapons torque anyway: I have never experienced that. I suspect they do not fit to your hand well.

Good luck
