My take on the Marc Rich pardon!

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Yeah, I know this is a dead horse, but we've all got to love this whole pardon-gate stuff. If there were ever a nail driven into the Clinton legacy coffin, the Marc Rich pardon did it, and I'm not afraid to say that I'm just giddy that Clinton Pardoned the man. Let's look at this situation carefully:

1. Marc Rich owed the United States millions in taxes that he evaded (allegedly since he fled the country before his trial). Now the Democrats are whining about the Tax cut plan, but how much traction can they get when they already let a BILLIONAIRE have the best tax-cut of all?

2. While pardoning powers are beyond reproach, there is mounting evidence that Clinton was bribed by campaign contributions for that pardon. If this turns out to be the case, he can be tried for Bribery. This is great and getting greater.

3. Billary has lost almost all support even from the most staunch Democrats because of his other escapades in addition to the Pardongate.

What did Bill bring us?
Waco, Bosnia, A massacre of Rangers in Somalia, Monicagate, Kathline Wiley, Paula Jones, and a whole troupe of other women he either groped, raped, or violated. He brought us chinagate, and pardongate. He tore up the whitehouse, the OEOB, and sacked Air Force 1. He finally self-destructed, and I pray that the Republicans and Democrats will see that, and hopefully will hammer him for the bribery case which could build against him if the former Mrs. Rich is given immunity from the DOJ.

Ya' gotta love it!!!
And there's more...

Consider this. Bill Clinton's appeal was not based on his intellect or his charm. It was based on his power. Now that he is OUT and the dems have Terry Mc Auliffe as their fund raiser, where does that leave Bill?
And what does all of this mean to the political future of the junior senator from New York??
KJM: Let's not forget Vince Foster's blood crying out for justice and the multiple levels of Arkansas stink (i.e. the drug plane accusations...)

But at the same time, Billy has gained himself a multi-billionaire as a friend.

Some would say that he already has one as an enemy, Bill Gates of Microsoft. However, recently in Michigan there was a reverse racism civil rights case concerning the university being able to select student applicants based on race (I may be screwing this up.)

Anyway, there are those who thought, "Ha, time for Gates to become a libertarian." Not a chance. Gates was in Michigan and came in favor of the government quotas.

I am sure there are news reports on the web to clean up my errors.

Veering off-topic, yet again.
Sorry fella, you're way off where Gates is concerned. Gates is not an enemy of Clinton or even close. They have a very tight working relationship with each scratching the other's back. That justice suit was all a diversion. Look at the supposed breakup of Microsoft. If you examine it closely, you can easily see Gates managed to shed the dead weight of Microsoft and retain the more profitable areas without losing a red cent in the deal. Matter of fact, he gained money, while most in the tech field was going through a blood bath. Gates "supposed" loss of $35 Billion dollars was more a screen to cover the transfer of the 35 Billion to several pharmicutical companies overseas. I spent a couple of months last summer searching the web for Gates's schenanigans. My personal conclusion s that Gates is having thoughts of his own mortaility and is trying his dam*dest to extend his years on the planet. It's mainly coming at the expense of the people in India. I honestly believe he's using India as his own personal Petri jar. He is personally pumping hundreds of millions of his own dollars into untested drugs, supplied by many of his own drug companies into India. I don't have any proof of the recent Doctor's Without Borders movement to supply and distribute experimental drugs in India to tie the two together, but if it walks like a duck,,,,,,,
Now, shift over to Bosnia and US involvment there. Why Bosnia, when India and Pakistan, both with nukes, were on the verge of lighting up Planet Earth? Get the feeling something else was going on that *someone* didn't want the world taking a closer look at?
"Gates is not an enemy of Clinton or even close. They have a very tight working relationship with each scratching the other's back."

Of course not. They are both socialists. Which was my point.

Where's the connection to firearms? A moderator will need to close this thread to be fair to others who post non-gun related topics.
Even if this gets the moderator's axe on the thread...

Josef Estermann, Mayor of the city of Zurich, Switzerland, has rather
close ties to Marc Rich (remember, he came here - please, please, get
him back!). It even went so far Estermann tried to have Clinton pardon
Estermann (which then worked out as planned, but probably not mainly
because of Estermann). AFAIR Rich even donated to some socialist
project (library? Museum? I don't remember exactly right now).

And, oh, Estermann is a damn liberal. He's destroying his own city
with idiotic traffic plans and reductions of parking lots and spaces
('to enhance living quality'). And he supports further gun control in
Switzerland. But then, he's a socialist.

If you know German, you can go looking on and and

The whole thing stinks here too.
Bill Gates is extrememly anti-guns owned by us serfs and slaves. He neither knows, nor cares, about our Constitutional Rights. He and his dear (billionaire) daddy, donated hundreds of thousands of $$$$ to the anti-gun communistnazis who pushed the Washington State anti-gun initiative, several years ago.

In my opinion, Billy and his dear daddy fall right smack dab into the middle of that large group of Mega-Millionaire Marxists and Billionaire Bolsheviks, nationwide, who donate unimaginable $$$$$$ to the communistnazis, in order to confiscate our firearms and destroy our Rights.

uh- I could be wrong, but I think Bill Gates father was middle-class joe, not a Billionaire. Now he may be a billionaire due to his son, but I don't think Bill Gates father was a billionaire before his son made him that way. Billionaires are still somewhat rare in our world, I think numbering under a couple thousand.
The Senior Gates may be a joe sixpack but he donated even more money to the Washington gun-lock-and-more initiative I676 than did Bill jr.

William Gates the III inherited a multi million dollar trust fund from his grandfather at birth, Bill Gates father was a multi millionaire, as was his father (Bill Gates grandfather). I'm not sure how the rags to riches myth started, but Bill Gates has never been anything but wealthy. Bill Gates' father was/is a highly successful and very well connected lawyer.
Hmm. Interesting thread, but Bill Gates, the financial status of his forebears, and Swiss bank accounts of private citizens has very little to do with Legal/Political issues. I'm going to have to shut it down.

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