My suit gets filed tomorrow!!! Check it out!

Jim March

New member
(Formatting may be a bit screwed up here but it looks fine in MS-Word. Except...what the hell's the format for getting those friggin' line numbers on each page? I've been lookin' for an example all over the net, haven't come up with squat. Are they even necessary?)

(personal data deleted from this version
Richmond, California xxxxx
Telephone: xxx
Pager: xxx
Electronic Mail:

Attorney pro per


Plaintiff, )
vs. )
through 1000, inclusive, )
Defendants ) COMPLAINT:




James March, referred to as "Plaintiff" (hereinafter), and for causes of action, alleges as follows:

(By Defendants for violations of civil rights)

1. At all material times, James March was a resident of Richmond, California.

2. At all material times, the Defendants had the ability to issue a concealed weapons permit to the Plaintiff in accord with Penal Code 12050-12054.

3. On or about January, 1998 the Plaintiff examined the CCW permit policies of the Defendants, and learned of the general state of them as outlined below. Plaintiff gave up gaining a CCW permit until February 15th, 1999.

4. On February 15th, 1999 Plaintiff read the California Constitution and realized that the Defendant's policies are illegal not only by implication, but very directly. Plaintiff particularly enjoyed Article 1 Section 7B: "A citizen or class of citizens may not be granted privileges or immunities not granted on the same terms to all citizens."

5. On March 9th 1999 Sheriff's Department Lieutenant Wayne Willett identified himself to the Plaintiff as the Sheriff's agent in charge of initial permit applications and enforcing the Sheriff's CCW policies.

6. On that date the Plaintiff identified himself to Willett as a Richmond resident with specific threats against his life.

7. On that date Willett informed the Plaintiff that issuance of CCW permits to Richmond residents does not occur without the specific consent of the Richmond PD Chief on a case by case basis. Willett confirmed Plaintiff's prior knowledge that this is also the case in Pittsburgh.

8. On March 10th 1999 Plaintiff called the secretary of the Richmond Chief of Police. The secretary confirmed the policy, explained that such special dispensation to apply for CCW with the Sheriff "just plain doesn't happen" and neither does issuance straight from the Chief. The secretary would not schedule an appointment with the Richmond PD Chief despite his well-publicized "open door policy".

9. At all material times Defendants Sheriff Rupf, Sheriff’s department and Richmond PD had an agreement whereby the Sheriff would issue no policies to residents of the incorporated town of Richmond without the permission of the Richmond PD Chief of Police. This permission must be sought by the permitholder on an individual basis.

10. At all material times Defendants Sheriff and Sheriff’s department had a similar agreement with Pittsburgh PD. These "cross-jurisdictional agreements" were NOT common throughout the county in that form, they were (and remain) specific to these towns.

11. At all material times the Defendants were aware of the racial makeup of the county in general and these two towns in particular, and were aware that a distinctive racial result of "limited legal gun carry for minorities" would be the logical and practical result of such "self defense redlining" in gross violation of basic principles of civil rights and equal protection laws.

12. For a period of time beginning with the 1990 election of Sheriff Warren E. Rupf, the Sheriff and the Sheriff’s Department issued permits to people with political and personal connections to the Sheriff and the Department and seldom to members of the general population of the county, in flagrant violation of California’s Constitution, Article 1, Section 7B. The few permits handed out by Richmond PD were handled in similar fashion.

13. For a period of time beginning with the 1990 election of Sheriff Warren E. Rupf, the Sheriff and the Sheriff’s Department issued permits to people of wealth, privilege and general high social standing. One common mechanism for this was to list large cash amounts carried by applicants as a reason for issuance, ignoring actual risk of lethal threat in deciding "who gets to defend themselves". This was done with full knowledge that all citizens are due equal treatment before the law. The few permits handed out by Richmond PD were handled in similar fashion.

14. For a period of time beginning with the 1990 election of Sheriff Warren E. Rupf, permits were issued to citizens who had contributed large campaign contributions to the Sheriff’s re-election fund or that of other County politicians. This is flat-out corruption.

15. For a period of time beginning with the 1990 election of Sheriff Warren E. Rupf the Defendants made a mockery of justice in the county, they deliberately antagonized citizens interested in their own self defense and flaunted an "armed aristocracy". Defendants severely reduced the general trust in the administration of justice within the county and of law enforcement and contributed to the lack of cooperation between law enforcement and the citizenry. This contributed to the rise of crime, violence and general societal chaos. The Defendant’s actions have harmed every single individual in the county and can only be viewed as massive arrogance, incredible stupidity or absolute unmitigated evil.

16. The Defendants systematically violated civil rights knowing that the ability to commit such violations were crafted right into the legislature’s crafting of "Discretionary CCW" in 1923. The Defendants were aware of the historical origin of discretionary permits, they were aware it was an integral part of "Jim Crow", they were aware that it was a product of the former Confederate and other Southern states designed to allow bigoted Police Chiefs and Sheriffs to abuse civil rights without crafting an obvious statewide restriction on minorities that would alert the Federal Government to problems. The Defendants have knowingly perpetuated a key element of Jim Crow almost into the 21st century, relying on a generally low knowledge of history and low interest in personal defense to perpetuate illegal activity.

17. Defendant has been directly damaged by remaining in fear of his life or great bodily injury by specific threats to his life.

18. Defendant has been damaged by "having his nose rubbed in" an area of "justice" which clearly isn't, and being forced to realize that if lawlessness on this scale exists in law enforcement in this area of law, there is literally no way of knowing how much further the "rot has spread".

19. Plaintiff specifies Does 1 through 1,000 inclusive in case this turns into a class action suit because the Plaintiff is to date unaware of a single California law enforcement agency fully in compliance with legal and Constitutional issues relating to CCW issuance.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment against Defendants as follows:

1. On the all Causes of Action, for damages according to proof and a judicial order to cease and desist from all illegal and unconstitutional actions relating to CCW. The Plaintiff prays for the following findings from the Court:

A. A finding from the Court that the existing CCW system within the county is designed to violate civil rights, ever since it’s origin in 1923.
B. A finding from the Court that the Sheriff, the Chief and their officers/agents/deputies/employees cannot be trusted to judge the eligibility of CCW applicants to acquire the permit.

2. The Plaintiff asks the Court to impose on pain of contempt a set of OBJECTIVE standards for permit issuance to replace the illegal and unconstitutional SUBJECTIVE standards that have been used as a method of citizen abuse since 1923.

3. The Plaintiff encourages the court to look up the racial identity of the approved permitholders. The Plaintiff feels close to certain that the court will find an extremely low and possibly non-existent rate of minority permit holding regardless of geographic residency, and the Plaintiff has hopes the court will take an extremely dim view of this. As a Caucasian the Plaintiff cannot directly sue for this cause of action, however the Plaintiff is attempting to recruit his roommate Mr. Henry Hill in as a co-Plaintiff who is black as the proverbial Ace of Spades if that's what it takes to get to the bottom of all this insanity.

3. For costs of suit and for general relief.

By: James March
Plaintiff and Attorney Pro Per


Statement in 1941 by Florida Supreme Court Justice Buford in the case of Warren vs. Stone, involving a Caucasian Florida resident caught packing a gun sans permit and referring to Florida's old Discretionary system thrown out in 1986: "I know something of the history of this legislation. The original Act of 1893 was passed when there was a great influx of negro laborers in this State drawn here for the purpose of working in turpentine and lumber camps. The same condition existed when the Act was amended in 1901 and the Act was passed for the purpose of disarming the negro laborers and to thereby reduce the unlawful homicides that were prevalent in turpentine and saw-mill camps and to give the white citizens in sparsely settled areas a better feeling of security. The statute was never intended to be applied to the white population and in practice has never been so applied." - Watson v. Stone, 4 So.2d 700, 703 (Fla. 1941)


(Attached) - March 4th 1999 Newspaper article, Detroit News titled "History gives verdict on Self-defense" by Tim O'Brien. Proof that the Michigan Discretionary CCW system was literally written at the request of the KKK due to a justifiable homicide by an African-American against a member of a white lynch mob.


(Attached) - Essay by Clayton Cramer, "The Racist Roots of Gun Control" from the Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy, 4:2 [Winter, 1995] and widely reprinted, plus linked all over the Internet. came up with 40 references to the exact phrase of the title.
Good luck, Jim! One question, though. Does the PRK have a plain language law for filing suits or do they require legalese? If no plain language law is in effect, it might be prudent to wait and find a sympathetic lawyer who will legalese it.
Excellent Jim!
I concur with Spartacus though about some of the language. You have a few "slang" expressions that could be said better.

"Ace of Spades......"
basically some of the "emotional" statements.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I hear ya barkin big dog...
Maybe I just read it wrong but it looked like you have Defendent there instead of Plaintiff?? Or I could just be sniffing wallpaper paste.....

Yeah, like snoman said...shouldn't defendant after 17. and 18. be plaintiff?

Best of luck!!!
In 17 and 18 I think you meant plaintiff. I agree with DC on the Spades usage.
It should get some action.I dont know your judge. A lot of judges dont like suits as detailed and explicit because they feel that it limits their judicial leeway.Personally I wonder if it is a good ides to put the badmouth on so many people but you are a better judge of that than I am.
It is a good suit and your relief should be granted.
Good Luck.

Better days to be,


It's just great! Incredible! With you ALL the way!

A Texas Trooper told me, "If you're going to a gunfight, have a gun.
If you're going to law fight, have a lawyer."


We might hassle him for his grammar, but I think it might be good advice to get a "legal gunfighter" on your side.

My wife and I going to see one this morning on a business matter. The law is not always logical or fair - but it remains the law. My wife and I want to enhance our odds of winning - so we spend some money on a mean, nasty attorney. (Nice dogs are seldom good guard dogs. The best attorney I ever had was so mean he scared ME! And he was on my side!)

Good luck, Jim. I think you have a great legal point to be made!
Gotcha on the corrections. I've been "on the defensive" for so long on this it's hard to switch mental gears to the attack.

I cribbed a lot of basic structure and some language off of (real) example suits. Am pondering the slang issues...this draft was written at oh-dark-hundred while pissed.

But #1, I can't see convincing anybody I *am* a lawyer so...why not play up the lack for all it's worth? He/she ain't gonna fall asleep reading it and the issues are so grossly obvious...hmmm....ponderponder.

Jim March

Glad to see someone doing something. I will caution you that it may be a waste of money. Seems judges in CA do not have much sympathy for gun owners. Well, maybe in the least it will get a little attention from the press. Good luck with it!

Bookkie: the tricky part is, this isn't a "gun rights lawsuit", it's an "equal rights" suit. It's gonna be REAL hard to shoot down because it doesn't claim there's anything fundamentally wrong with the gun control *laws*, only with their current enforcement.

The barstards are gonna *choke* on this one!

I've changed things a bit. The "defendant/plaintiff swap slip" is fixed, the "ace of spades" bit is gone, the "flat out corrupt" bit is vanished. I've also got the sucker properly laid out with the border, line numbering and assorted BS.

It looks *good*.

I also finished a required cover page form I didn't know about until today, and once done it was barely past 4:00pm so filing waits until Monday. Sigh. Oh well.

I've decided two additional things:

1) Forget Richmond branch, I'm filing in Martinez. Why? Less overall crime, less violent crime, court is nowhere NEAR as crowded. Seems a better place to argue "the fine points of the law" away from the "brutal street realities" that are going to fill the Richmond branch. Comments?

2) If the judge has a CCW permit, as far as I'm concerned that's *good*. Huh? Ya, think about it...he'll *know* for a certainty that gun carry doesn't automatically a murderer make. The alternative is somebody who
COULD carry but refuses to - that means they totally discount the role of the firearm in personal defense...and that don't seem like an ideal person to be dealing with. Comments?

Last thing, it's not too late to switch to Federal Court. The suit as written now concentrates on violations of the California Constitution which has better equal protection language than the Fed but clearly the Fed 14th applies too. So I could go either way. Anybody got a good reason for
dealing with Fed court versus State Superior? If not the State Superior gets this sucker crammed down their gullets early Monday.

Jim March

State Superior first: this deals with equitable enforcement and practice of State law and State Constitution. You go thru the process and'll pick up some good practice and opponent may just win.

If not, take what you learned and clean it up and refile in Federal court as a Civil Rights case. Then you could also name names as violators of Civil Rights...thats heavy federal penitentary time.....lots of publicity and media exposure, lots of embarassment, etc.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Please understand, the first goal is NOT to "win in court", it's to open negotiations with the County's lawyers, show them they're *screwed* and get a negotiated settlement...which best case means a switch to objective standards. Anything else, the suit's on...but I can't talk to them without a case being filed, that's their rules. They're gonna regret it.

Counties that are vulnerable to the same techniques that I know of: Alameda (MAJOR elitism), Marin (ditto), Santa Clara (one guess :D) and San Mateo.

San Mateo is interesting because they have a "uniform county CCW system" whereby you apply to your PD Chief *THEN* you apply to the Sheriff. Ya gotta convince both, in sequence...and some cities are zero issue and again, it's race based by city. See also the San Mateo city PD website where this is laid out in detail in the FAQ section...nowhere else is the gritty details on cross-jurisdictional agreements laid out in more public detail.

But ALL of these pale in comparison to Sacramento County. NOWHERE else in the state is the bovine excrement more extreme, nowhere else is as heavily researched. We've got corruption, we've got elitism out the yinyang, we've got massive illegal permit issuance to the Sacto DA's office, where six individuals recieved permits by declaring the downtown DA's office their "residence" when they really lived out-of-county. Ever wondered why the DA never called the Sheriff on his obvious crap, and even backed his play against Gene Byrd to the point of siccing the Grand Jury on him? That's why - BLACKMAIL, Sheriffs Craig and Blanas have had DA Scully by the "short and curlies" over his six department felons. Convincing a judge to take total control of the CCW process in Sacto should be a BREEZE.

It'll also make headlines and "expose the crap", leading us closer to true reform.

Game over, jackarses.

Jim March
And all this time I thought that CA was pinnacle of US civilization. :b
Well, that's the TV/Movie industry for you.

Regards and Best Wishes,
Douglas in CT

~Douglas in CT :)
IT'S FILED. It's been toned down a hair from the original above, a bit of slang and emotion pulled. I'll give an exact copy in Word format with proper "pleading paper" layout to anyone who wants it via EMail.

It gets served tomorrow. At the last minute I added the city gov't of Richmond because the Chief is their hired employee and a BIG part of the problem.

Case # is C99-00887 filed out of the Martinez branch, Contra Costa County Superior Court. It's now a public record document.

Next step: huddle with the enemy lawyers. There's two "groups": Richmond PD and the city are one, and the Sheriff, his department and the County are another. So I want to first deal with them *seperately* - because if either one "rolls over" and goes to objective standards, I'll be happy to drop them from the suit and go after the other for $15K plus punative damages!!!

Ahh, what fun!

Jim March