My suggestion to the NRA and their response


New member
I sent this to the NRA:
I've got an idea, but it maybe ought to go through an organization like the NRA. Because communications with pictures have more of an impact than text or voice mail, how powerful do you think it would be if we sent in actual pictures of ourselves (computer printout is fine), under the heading of (take your pick) "I'm the NRA," or "I am a gun owner and I vote," etc. We flood the Senate and House with these pics, showing them real, live, ordinary Americans who are for the 2A. Right now they see us as some kind of evil "blob," or have some negative stereotype in their minds when they think of gun owners. Let them know we are real! Even the timid, or those not wanting, for privacy reasons to divulge their identity, could show their face without a name. I don't think anything like this has ever been done. What are your thoughts?

Today I received this response:
Thanks for your ideas. I will be forwarding this to our Public Affairs Department for further review. I think this is a great idea. Thanks again, and thanks for your support!
Krista Cupp
NRA-ILA Grassroots Division

Who knows? Maybe I've started something?
Excellent idea. Kind of like the coffee table book with gun owners and their guns across America. Put a face to the issue.
Great Idea!

How about we display them all at once (hopefully 100s of thousands of them) on a single wall in D.C., and call it "The Wall of Liberty".

It may actually be more effective if the NRA wasn't involved, just because of the knee jerk reaction of most people on the left to anything 'NRA'.
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Today I replied to the NRA lady, and told her I posted this in 5 different gun forums, including this one. Virtually all responses are very positive. I don't know if this will result in some kind of pile of pictures, or scrapbook, or what. I suggested to the NRA that they do the work, and receive photos by jpg or other computer file as well as printed versions. If they could amass them, then "dump" them all at once on Washington, with proper PR, it could have a visual impact. I further suggested that they categorize these by states, so the state reps could see "their" people.
As to photo suggestions, most suggest a classic family portrait, or a face shot. This is not the time to send your favorite photo of your biggest, baddest gun in one hand, or anything less than either "wholesome,' or "neutral." This will be the time for us to put our best foot forward. If there is only ONE shot of a "redneck" stereotype, then you know that will be the shot the media projects.
I'll ask the NRA, if they undertake this project, to accept NRA members as well as non-members. They can, if they wish, sort into "I'm the NRA" and instead, "I'm a gun owner and I vote."
My local (Kansas) board is getting pretty fired up about this, and ready to start sending me photos!
This could be JUST what we need to combat the "you-gotta-believe-it's-coming-soon" AWB.
I'll keep you posted!
I sent this to the NRA:
I've got an idea, but it maybe ought to go through an organization like the NRA. Because communications with pictures have more of an impact than text or voice mail, how powerful do you think it would be if we sent in actual pictures of ourselves (computer printout is fine), under the heading of (take your pick) "I'm the NRA," or "I am a gun owner and I vote," etc. We flood the Senate and House with these pics, showing them real, live, ordinary Americans who are for the 2A. Right now they see us as some kind of evil "blob," or have some negative stereotype in their minds when they think of gun owners. Let them know we are real! Even the timid, or those not wanting, for privacy reasons to divulge their identity, could show their face without a name. I don't think anything like this has ever been done. What are your thoughts?

Today I received this response:
Thanks for your ideas. I will be forwarding this to our Public Affairs Department for further review. I think this is a great idea. Thanks again, and thanks for your support!
Krista Cupp
NRA-ILA Grassroots Division

Who knows? Maybe I've started something?

May I have permission to pass on the above to a couple of other gun boards?
dburkhead, sure, go ahead and cut and paste it to other gun boards. As far as launching anything, I'd like to wait for the NRA response. But if they don't, maybe we can launch something just based on board announcements. I'm thinking that if this could "build up" for a while, and get a good jump, it might come just as the NRA needs some dramatic ammo for say, an AWB ban. For the moment, we're not on the legislators minds. Not until they face a vote on a contentious issue. That's the time to burst through the front door.
I think a centralized collection point for photos might be better. Admittedly, thousands of individual photos would have an impact; but imagine showing a Congressman a giant collage of several thousand people and saying "These represent NRA voters in your district."
There would be nothing wrong with showing a well groomed man or woman holding an AR15 or AK47. The image most people on the left have of so-called AW owners is that they are all gang banging hoodlums. Just try not to look menacing. Or a nice family who have such arms for defense.