My stance on gun control

Caeca Invidia Es

Staff Alumnus
Ok, it's time for me to put my view of gun control out there to see what other's can decipher from my thinking. To me there is a much deeper problem here then not being able to defend myself from violent attackers. For me it is about the right to revolt against our government if it should become necessary. Now, if we have the right to revolt, then we should be guaranteed the means to do so. With the current gun control situation we are slowly losing the means to do so, which in my mind is a major problem. On the other hand, if we don't have a right to revolt, then I think it is exactly what we need to do. Any form of gun control, no matter how small it may seem, takes away from that right and the ability to carry it out. We are free people, and we have to keep that freedom for generations to come, no matter what the cost to us. But we can't do it alone, it will take all of us to accomplish anything. We need to do everything we can to avoid the probability of a revolt. We need to write to our politicians and let them know where we stand. Everyone needs to do it, one person here and one person there just won't cut it when it comes to our freedom. The longer we wait, and the more we let them take for us, the higher the chance that revolting will be the only way to get back what is rightfully ours. It is time for us to stand up and say "We won’t take it anymore". I donate money to places such as the NRA and The Second Amendment Foundation every chance I get, but that isn’t enough. I also send my congressmen letters at least once a week letting them know where I stand on this issue, but that isn’t enough either. We need everyone that agrees that we need our guns to do it as well. We need to yell and scream so loud that they have no choice but to hear us. Write to your congressmen every chance you get, attend public meetings every chance you get, let everyone in the world know where you stand on this issue. See if you can get letters published in the opinion section of your local papers. If you don’t have the time or means to do this, then donate your spare change to the pro-gun organization of your choice and let them fight. If the anti-gunners won’t listen in the end, then fight, and fight hard. We cannot compromise on this in any way. It’s time for us to all stand up and be heard. These are my thoughts, what do the rest of you think?

I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.
If every American felt as you do, we would have a far better nation and society than we are pesently being forced to endure.
Now we just have to figure out how to make them feel the same way. I fear that by the time people relise what they gave up it will be to late to do anything about it. I'm very open to suggestions on what else I can do at this point. I've racked my brain for weeks on end trying to come up with something and have thus far been unsuccesful.

I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.
I have had some luck by printing out a little flyer showing the key line of the court case of Hickman vs. Block and right next to that the text of the 2nd. I then explain to them the purpose of the 2nd with a few well chosen quotes from our founders. It scares most people to think that our court system is lying about the meaning of the 2nd. The point is driven home when they realize that they are the ones the 2nd is to protect us from.

Over the past week I have signed up 20+ new NRA members using this method. If they are fense sitters, it is a wake up call to them. If they are truly anti-gun, well it does not change their minds. But most folks were taught the 2nd in school. To now find out it is not an individual right scares them. I'll keep you informed as to how it goes from here on out.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Dear Richard,
I am an NRA recrutier & gun shop
owner as well as an NRA Pistol Safety Instructor. I would be interested in seeing
the post of the Hickman vs. Block as refered
to in your post above so that I might also use it to increase my recruitment.You could either post it here or email me at
thanks, Larry M.
Caeca Invidia Es - Your right...
I believe part of the Second Amendment's purpose was to keep the Government in Check.
This is very import to understand for those who oppose the 2nd. It was written by those who just shrugged off one government and is setting about creating a new one. The process of the shrugging was still fresh in there minds.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
Please post it here, it may help a lot of us in our efforts to get more people active.

I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.
As I look at it, every where now in the world, the authority is trying to tighten the laws and policies in owning a gun by the private individual.

Don't worry, there are many silent majority and their temper will just burst any moment once they cannot control anymore, and the government will wake up. Look at the unexpected event in Seattle.