My Special Gunsmith

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I have posting about my on going problems with a Ruger Super Blackhawk and my gunsmith . Well yesterday I got the gun back it looked great and it works as it should .

Took it out this morning to sight it in and on the seventh shot the front sight fell off . I am not upset in fact I am happy happy happy .
The gun is as ordered, and it shot fine. The sight is easily fixed, and incidental to the earlier issues. Sounds good to me.:)
I guess it's relative.
Compared to what was going on before this might be 'okay'. However if you get into too many of these abusive relationships we might have to stage an intervention.:rolleyes:
The is not that easy to fix the sight will need to be silver soldered .
The gun has been coated .

Happy Happy Happy is was me being SARCASTIC totally lost on some ?
I just received an e-mail from this Gunsmith he will not stand behind his work . He sent me a list of gunsmith to call (I guess that is something )
I am giving him five days to think about it ?

Until I talk with attorney I will not comment any further .
You must have an EXTREMELY cheap lawyer if it's worth getting him involved over a few hundred bucks of a gunsmithing bill.
A very quick internet search reveals this is not an isolated case. What makes you sure that this failure is a result of the work done by the gunsmith?
Simple he cut the barrel and reinstalled the sight base . This was an older Ruger that has shot well for years and now the sight base falls off ?
It fell off after seven shots of lite lead loads . (SIGHTING IT IN)

It is not about the money or time spent or miles driven it is about a nice Ruger totally screw up and a gunsmith not fixing his work .
Yes I am not to happy but I am moving on . Going to find some one to put the sight base back on . I hope no one gets the same BS I have just got .
One promise after another total crap His word it not worth much .
Keybear, sorry to hear of the trouble.

I'll relate my experience. I had a Ruger Vaquero in stainless. Many years ago the front sight fell off. This was a fixed blade sight. I put it in the safe and didn't deal with it for years. I have my own woodworking shop and do a bit of metalwork as well. I was going to attempt to silver solder myself, but never got up the nerve. I was worried about too much heat to the barrel, discoloring, etc..

I finally contacted Ruger and they offered to send a shipping label for me. I sent the revolver back and got a call from them. The only option available was for them to completely replace the revolver. I had figured on them installing the sight. This threw me for a loop. The Vaquero was the first handgun I ever bought. It was also an original Vaquero and would be replaced with a New Vaquero. They said the old one would have to be destroyed. It took me weeks to make the decision. I finally ended up with the new one and am very happy.

My point is, hopefully you can get the sight reinstalled properly, but for some reason, even the manufacturer didn't think that was the right fix.
We don't know who you dealt with so we don't know who to recommend. No point in somebody who had good work from your Special Gunsmith trying to send you back to him.

If you don't want to take the time or spend the money with Bowen, at least look at some of his pictures. A cross dovetail front sight can look good on a fixed sight gun, the DX ramp with an adjustable rear. My FLG put one of the latter on a S&W sawn off for IDPA.
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