My Son's First Buck Of The Season

sc outdoorsman

New member
Hello Guys,

It's been awhile since I last posted. I have busy with all the things life brings and also had my first really bad back problems that kept me down for a few months. The back is starting to come around just in time for deer season which is great, but I will still have to be careful climbing in stands and dragging deer.

I thought I would post a picture of my Son's first kill of the year and his first crossbow kill. I have posted about him coming from no interest in hunting a few years back to now wanting a crossbow to get in an extra few weeks of deer season. He got this buck at about 30 yards after watching him for about 20 minutes to get a good shot. He got a clean pass through both lungs and the deer went about 100 yards after the shot.

He is really hooked now. I hope I will have a lifetime hunting partner and lots of great memories to come.

The daughter of one of my employees just bagged her fist buck of the season. Unfortunately the first buck she bagged was her father. Shot with a crossbow. Lucky for him her aim was just a bit off and the broad head went clean through without hitting anything vital, but it was close.

Moral of the story. Be safe and be sure of what you're shooting at.
Thanks guys,
Sorry to read about the crossbow incident. I'm glad to hear he was ok.

This is the first year we have hunted with them and you have to be conscious of the differences between these and a firearm. I have to remind to be to be string wary at all times and also keep the arrows pointed in a safe direction. Both of these can cause a bad day real fast.

Thanks for the kind words, but I would like to clarify things a little. He has taken a few deer before with a rifle. This is his first deer for the 2012 season and also his first ever crossbow kill. He has grown to become a pretty good hunter and a decent shot. We still have to get the scouting thing kind of worked out, but that will come with time.

His only real problem that we need to figure out is that he is color blind and has trouble tracking a blood trail. He has a real hard time picking out blood on brown leaves and tree trunks. I think I need to get some of that bloodglow spray to let him try.

Don't get me wrong I don't mind trailing a deer with him, but he will want to hunt by himself in the future.
Watching the deer for 20mins. till deer presented a good shot...Sounds like he's been taught and mastered the 'patience' thing well. A sign of a true hunter.

Congrats to you and your hunting partner.
Nothing better in this life than to have your son/daughter walk the trails with you. Sore back or not.
SC/ O: Since you said your son has difficulty blood trailing. What's that old say'in "Necessity is the mother of all inventions." Your young man there will most likely adapt to doing it in another way in his own time. All in all your son is off to a good start thanks to his parents. My congrads to your Son on a job well done Sir. :)

Thanks guys,
He learned the patience thing after a couple of years hunting. A few blown shots and you realize that the deer got named whitetails for a reason. It still makes me proud of him to control himself and pull off the shot.

I am hoping to post a picture of my Dad's first buck of the season tomorrow. He and I are going opening morning of gun season and I really hope he gets to tip one over.