As many of you know, proposition 5 is trying to legalize pot and hemp up here in alaska. After getting thousands of signatures on a petition they got it on the ballot, AND IT"S GONNA PASS!!! hopefully I saw a a survey that showed something like 65% want marijauna legalized. They have a Willie nelson commericial condoneing it, it's gonna happen!!
This is not about pot, mind you, it's about freedom, and the freedom of honest americans to do what ever they want in the privacy of their own home, and it shouldn't be up to the government. It is a victimless crime, and the government has no more right to regulate this than they do alcohol or firearms!!! This will legalize industrial hemp, which is a cleaner fuel to burn, more ecological than alot of other products that hemp will replace, and will create jobs in alaska.
I don't want you guys to get me wrong here, I'm not some pot head junky, and I won't be if this passes, but I do want everybody to know that I'm going to have the BIGGEST GOSHDAMNED MARIJAUNA PLANT growing in my front yard that you've everseen!!!!!!! It's gonna be as tall as a tree and as green as green gets, and By god they won't be able to do a damned thing!!!!
Well, lets all just hope it passes. We'll chalk it up as one for the rights movement, and move on to bigger fish to fry. Anybody from alaska, or anywhere else, lets here your take on this. And administrators PLEASE PLEASE oh PLEASE don't close this one, it has to do with rights and guns and other important stuff. And incase I havent previously said it, It's going to be a HUGE, GREEN, STINKY plant, and it will be just a swaying in all it's legal glory. November 7th I'm going to be flying my flag high and proud. Hopefully we can get someone in office that will help us turn this crazy world around
IF you're not willing to die for your rights/beliefs, don't try to take mine.
This is not about pot, mind you, it's about freedom, and the freedom of honest americans to do what ever they want in the privacy of their own home, and it shouldn't be up to the government. It is a victimless crime, and the government has no more right to regulate this than they do alcohol or firearms!!! This will legalize industrial hemp, which is a cleaner fuel to burn, more ecological than alot of other products that hemp will replace, and will create jobs in alaska.
I don't want you guys to get me wrong here, I'm not some pot head junky, and I won't be if this passes, but I do want everybody to know that I'm going to have the BIGGEST GOSHDAMNED MARIJAUNA PLANT growing in my front yard that you've everseen!!!!!!! It's gonna be as tall as a tree and as green as green gets, and By god they won't be able to do a damned thing!!!!
Well, lets all just hope it passes. We'll chalk it up as one for the rights movement, and move on to bigger fish to fry. Anybody from alaska, or anywhere else, lets here your take on this. And administrators PLEASE PLEASE oh PLEASE don't close this one, it has to do with rights and guns and other important stuff. And incase I havent previously said it, It's going to be a HUGE, GREEN, STINKY plant, and it will be just a swaying in all it's legal glory. November 7th I'm going to be flying my flag high and proud. Hopefully we can get someone in office that will help us turn this crazy world around
IF you're not willing to die for your rights/beliefs, don't try to take mine.