My recent experiance.


New member
Ok. im going to preface this, by saying that im posting this here so i can get tips on what to do next time, and or any advice i can get.

First a little background on me, i was a 7 year boyscout(from a young age) shooting rifles/shotguns/blackpowder. I have been shooting handguns for about 4.5 years. I practice alot with my father inlaw at his private out door range. Im currently 24.5 years old. Current carry piece, 9mm g17 unknown generation, i bought it used from gander mountain, it does not have a light rail.

Now that you know me, let me tell you what happend to me recently.

It was about 3.00 am in the morninig, i was sound asleep, and something pulled me from the depths of sleep. not sure what, but im normaly a light sleeper. What drew me awake was a loud clicking noise, similar to that of a hammer being cocked on a revolver, well, when i heard that sound, the first thing that entered my mind was "oh **** theres someone in here." i distintly remember every little detail of what was in my mind, the strange indescribably feeling in my chest that one feels when you go from sleep to extremely terrified for your life. Well. i rolled over and reached in my night stand and pulled out my g17 and readied it in the general direction of the noise. I told my wife to get on the floor next to the bed. It was at this time, what felt like a eternity what was probably only like 30+seconds i noticed that the room was clear, so i checked the other rooms of my apartment and found no one, everything was clear, the windows shut, doors shut and locked. Now my wife is behind me laughing saying everything was fine, and that the source of the click was a old fan on my dressure that i leave on at nights, shorting out. it randomly turns off and back on, its old, and i plan on buying anew one.

Now my question is, did i react in a good way, it could have very well been someone in my home, this incident has prompted me to get a newer glock with a light rail so i can put a tac light on it for bedside purposes. When i heard that click i seriously felt me and my wife were in imminent peril, it was dark, i had my eyes closed and then out of no where a loud click, I feel i may have made some kind of mistake but at the time, i was seriously terrified for our lives. A friend of mine who was in combat over seas said that feeling i had is what every solider who has ever been in combat has felt, and that i reacted correctly, but i still feel like i did something wrong.

I can take constructive criticism, but plz be kind and remember at that moment with my heart pounding i was absolutly terrified and made the best decision i thought at that moment.

thanks for the input and sorry for the long post.
I don't know if you were are aware enough to maintain muzzle/trigger discipline. Assuming you were - and did - that sounds like a perfect reaction to me. I'd rather be a little twitchy and bolt up in an adrenaline soaked panic occasionally than get my throat cut by a clumsy assassin in clogs 'cuz I didn't wake up.

One other safety comment though: any electrical appliance that power cycles outside of it's design parameters is very likely an electrical hazard. You are in far more danger from that fan than you are from a theoretical home intruder. Bin it and get a new one!

You should keep a flash light near your nightstand for such instances, since you don't have a tac-light. Other than that I thought you handled it well. I would have done the same thing. The girlfriend would have been grabbing the shot gun under the bed and I would have used that to clear the apt. instead of my pistol but that's the only thing I would have done differently. Glad it turned out to be nothing.
I agree with Raytracer. It's better to react to it and make for certain it wasn't an intruder getting ready to kill you rather than just brush it off as nothing and go back to sleep, because you just may never get up again if you really were in danger.
Check with a flashlight first if you can. Aiming in the dark or waiting for your eyes to totally adapt to the dark is worse than a quick burst of light from flashlight. In fact, if it is bright enough, it will probably daze the theoretical intruder if they are in the room with you.

Hopefully you have your apartment secured enough where it would take a lot of noise to get in. I had someone try to break in about a year ago and it was a very vivid experience. They couldn't get in because of the door jam bar I put up everytime I enter my place along with locking both the handle and deadbolt. Since I live on the 1st floor I also make sure my blinds are closed for less on-looker traffic.

Since nobody got hurt, you did fine. Still, get a flashlight and it doesn't have to be a "tactical-ninja" one. Evaluate if you can, but you're going to react differently depending on the waking draw if you must too.
where your gun goes a flashlight should go too - you should have lit that mofo of a fan up as soon as you had your gun in hand.

besides that - i think everyone who defends their home with a gun has jumped at a bump in the night.

good job at keepin it safe
I appreciate the replys guys, I will be adding a flashlight to my nightstand, which will be replaced by a tac light as soon i get a gun with a light rail, and a light to go with it. that fan is history. Again thank you for the kind words. I was hesitant to tell you this, becuase i have seen people post similar things, and get berated for it.
+1 for trashing that fan! That is a fire waiting to happen! And smoke makes no noise, so you probably wont wake up for that one!
I will be adding a flashlight to my nightstand, which will be replaced by a tac light as soon i get a gun with a light rail, and a light to go with it.
Mordis, I favor a rail-mounted tac light, but there is a potential down side to it that needs mentioning.

If you're in a dark area with flashlight in hand, and someone near you catches your attention, your natural reaction is to light them up. We like to see who we're speaking to.

But remember that when that light is attached to a gun.... well, where the light goes, so goes the gun, and if the someone you're speaking to is your wife or kids... :eek: :( .

A weapon mounted light can be a real plus, but like everything else, it requires training.
I am not so sure.....

I have mixed feelings about the use of flashlight/tactical light under this specific circumstances.

If the click you heard would have been a a gun in the hands of a BG,it meant the BG was probably in the room with you, and lighting up a flashlight would inmediately told him exactly where you and your wife were, and, in case of a tact light, were your gun was....

If the noise was coming from a distance, then things would be different, as then the advantage of having the flashlight would work in your favor....

Just my 02 cents...

Stay safe and greetings from the Land of the Incas !!!

Juan Carlos
JCC2...Have you ever been shined in the eyes by 5 bulb LED flashlight? Whether the BG knows your there or not all he will be seeing is a big greenish yellow blob floating in his field of vision.
I prefer hand-held lights versus rail mounted versions.

I purchased one of these from Gander Mountain on clearance for $19.99 (normally $39.99). I think the site I linked to is a bit over priced.

It's a great light. The battery life is..... well I haven't changed the batteries yet so I'll have to let you know.

Extremely bright - I can't say enough about how well this thing lights up a dark room, or a dark night on the ice with no moon. It's small enough so as not to be cumbersome, and very durable.

I originally purchased this flashlight (in the Mossey Oak finish) for night time ice fishing, and general outdoor/hunting use. But it was such a great product I purchased a second as my night-stand flashlight as well.

The best feature about this light is the on/off switch, located at the rear of the unit. It has the normal positive click on/off, or it can be used as a pressure sensitive switch where steady pressure from the thumb turns the light on, and as soon as that pressure is released, the light goes off.

Now, I know this isn't a Surefire or other expensive brand, but I feel very comfortable trusting my lighting needs to this product.
Clearing the home

In such scenarios one usually sees the advice not to attempt to clear the home, but call 911 instead. The reason is that you moving are much more vulnerable than a BG who hears you and lies in wait.

You are fortunate that you are on the ground floor and could presumaby have let LE in by the window. On a higher floor you would have had a real problem with a solidly barred door (you can't just toss them the keys). You have to walk throught the danger zone to unbar it: if I were a BG I would take you hostage to fend off the LEOs.

I don't have an answer for that problem: maybe someone else does.

I know one can feel pretty silly after having called LE to a false alarm. I once thought I heard someone inside my home upon returning. I was particularly concerned because there was a high power rifle in there. I call, a cop shows up, and I unlock the door and he wants me to go in first (unarmed)! I told him "you have the gun, you first!" (I was thinking AND the badge AND the experience).

I did feel silly afterwards, but I hadn't taken any unnecessary risks, which was some consolation.

Not exactly by a 5 bulb LED flashlight

But on more than one ocassion by a Krypton bulb Maglite... and unless you are lit straight in the eyes the effect is not bad.

If Mordis wss not completely sure of the origin of the noiseturning on the light in a "general" direction might have given the BG a better chance...

I started my thread mentioning I had mixed feelings about the light issue...I still think it might be more dangerous than useful....

Stay safe !

Juan Carlos
HangFire83, yep, and it makes a great target.:)

The idea that the light will discombobulate you in some way is mostly urban legend. Been lit up with lights, and never been distracted.

Suggest you do some role playing with friends using soft air with proper protective equipment, and see how the lights effect you.

You claim that you are normally a sound sleeper. Had that click really been an intruder cocking his gun, you would have no chance to respond. While you would have to reach for your light and weapon, the intruder would only have to pull the trigger which would already be cocked. You could be armed to the teeth with whatever gear but it would all be useless if you were sound asleep.

Get an alarm with an instant on feature. This means that there is no delay to enter in a alarm code. Most alarms are programmed for a 15 or 30 second delay so you can disarm it. That could be enough for a bad guy to get to your bedroom and force you to disarm it. You should also have a panic password set up in case the central station calls and asks you for the password. The panic password means that help should be sent immediately without any callbacks.

If you don't have any kids, you should always lock your bedroom door. This may provide valuable seconds for you to wake up and get your weapon and light into play. Get a solid door with a decent lock rather than those flimsy cardboard thin doors with cheapo interior locks.

Consider getting a dog. Other than being a great companion, its eyes, ears, and nose are many times better than yours. My dog will bark her darn head off if there is someone there. Besides, an 85 lb. akita is a pretty darn good deterrent.

One last thing, get rid of the darn fan like everyone else said.
I'd go along with others here that a flashlight also makes you a great target. Personally I would recommend that you figure out a way to have a certain amount of ambient light on in your house. Maybe a nightlight or two along with some tritium sights.

The fact is that waking up from a sound sleep and turning on any light is going to blind you for a second. You're better off making sure there's just enough ambient light in your house to allow you to make out what's happening. I keep a flashlight near my bed, but I rely on the fact that I leave one light on in the kitchen that provides enough ambient light throughout the other rooms to make out what's going on when I wake up from a dead sleep.
To those that do not agree with a flashlight as it makes you a better target -- if you can't identify your target due to low/no light conditions, how can you feel comfortable pulling the trigger?
To those that do not agree with a flashlight as it makes you a better target -- if you can't identify your target due to low/no light conditions, how can you feel comfortable pulling the trigger?

Try this test. Go to your local supermarket and purchase a cheap nightlight. Plug it in in your bedroom and set your alarm for 2 AM. When the alarm goes off see how much detail you can pick up just from the ambient glow of the nightlight.

This isn't about gun/self-defense technique as much as it is about human biology. Without light (as when your eyes are closed) your pupils naurally dialate. When you're pupils are dialated a bright light causes you to squint or close your eyes until you are able to adjust (roughly 30 seconds to one minute). On the other side, a nightlight with a 25w bulb will allow you to see perfectly well without any adjustment to your pupils, and it doesn't need to be turned on at the moment of a's already on.

I realize a nightlight isn't very uber-tactical, and it won't fit on your rail, but I tend to go along with what works best.