My Python quest--a rant (or a whine)


New member
For the past month or so I've been trying to acquire a 6" nickel Python in excellent condition. Missed one for $750 on because I was out of town. Lost one by being outbid $791 to $786 on Bid $803 the other day for one that's been fired but is in mint condition on But the seller has a $900 reserve and is sure that he's going to get $1000. Passed on one that was _never_ fired or even turned and hadn't even had the powder marks from factory test firing wiped off, in the original box with papers for $950. I'm not going to shoot a 100% gun. Passed on one that had a little bit of wear, but somebody here advised that it was replated.
Can't find them at the gun shows, and the guy at the gun shop won't sell his.


Be patient. Good things come to those who wait. NOT!! I would bite the bullet and spend the money if you really want one, because the longer you go, the more they're going to be worth. For a collector's edition, $950 is probably not too bad.
It was about 5 years ago when my friend bought one which was used but appeared NIB. 4 digit serial # and no lead buildup at all around the cylinder face, top-strap, the gap between the barrel and the frame or even suggestion of leading in the forcing cone. He paid less than $600 for it and I told him not to shoot it since he could borrow mine. It remains unshot to this day.
OOPS! Price went up $230.00 while I was looking at it...and the "Reserve" still HAD NOT been met!!! LOL....mikey357
Yep, that's the one I bid $803 on. The seller had a reserve of $900 on it the last time. Don't know if he's raised it or lowered in now that it's relisted. In an email to me he said there was one for $980 over on another auction. Of course, asking and selling prices are two different animals.

The right gun is worth waiting for. IMHO the nickel finish that Colt's applied to the Python was the best anywhere. (I have a satin nickel Python, and would love to have a bright nickel Python to go with it.)
satin nickeled ?

jimmy - i had never heard or seen pythons in a satin nickel. does the finish look similar to that on the stainless pythons.

every python, i have seen, with the bright nickel finish has been flawless...this even extends to the time when colt quality control was questionable. i understand that colt applied the same routine of polish as their royal blue to the gun before they would plate it...any flaw in the metal prior to plating will jump out at you.

a satin finish is less demanding on the polisher... an art in itself. the stainless ultimate finish was colt's answer to customers' demands for that deep polish finish.
You might try looking in GunList. I searched 6 months for a .22 Diamondback, 4" barrel in excellent condition for less than $500 to be a shooter; finally found one and bought it. And yes, the purchase price was only $495, but the shipping a FFL Xfer fees pushed it up to $545.

I think your nickel Python shouldn't be any harder to find.
Go to web site

then search for "python" in the "Gun List" magazine. I got

PYTHON NICKEL 6" wood grips 95% reworked
trigger, case, $700. Dave 307-856-7015.
This ad from Gun List

PYTHON 6" Nickel, 99%+, $850. Joe or Bill
This ad from Gun List

and the nice thing is it isn't an auction, so you don't have to worry about being outbid. You might need to get a subscription to be the first to call.
Thanks for the tips. I hadn't checked out the gunlist in a little while.
$850 for a gun that's 99% isn't too out of line. The other listing on I did see. That seller has advertised there before, and it would seem that he's very honest.

And you guys are right about the nickel finish. When the light is just right it's like looking at a piece of art. Or a Harley. It's too bad these online sellers can't take decent pictures. The photos don't do the guns justice.


Call (770) 963-6556 (Bulls Eye in Lawrenceville GA) ask for Randy (owner). They have a nickel Python with "Colt Guard" finish for $750. Excellent condition.

Tell Randy that Pete Rockett told you to call. (I am the primary source of his mortgage payment! :) )
Hang in there. I wanted one of those in the worst way for years. About three months ago I walk into the shop I frequent and he's got a pair of Pythons. One identical to the one you described and a 6" blued model. After a quick inspection I bought the bright nickel Python for $725. It is a flawless beauty. As you mentioned regarding one of the guns you bid on, its too flawless. I've only shot it once because I feel guilty. It wasn't NIB, but after a thorough cleaning I couldn't find an imperfection anywhere on it. Actually, now I'm considering buying a slightly beat one just so I can shoot it.
Well, patience pays off. The dealer that Chris McDermott referenced had two. One was near-perfect for $850. The other was near-perfect except for a couple of fingernail-sized indentations in the grip, for $750. So, I won't feel bad about shooting it and I can still look at it!

thanks for the advice

Just a little too late.....NIB Python for sale

I've decided to sell a couple of the collector type pieces I have, and one happened to be a 6" nickle python.

I have an unfired Nickle Python that I was going to part with if you were still looking. It is in the box with all the origonal papers. If you havn't closed a deal on the one you found drop me a email and I can send you photos.
9mmepiphany--I bought this particular Python brand new, so it's just as it came from Colt's factory, and yet it's definitely not bright nickel. I think "satin nickel" is an accurate description, but in this case it's my terminology rather than Colt's. In fact, the original box just says "electroless nickel," if this helps. The finish is not dead matte, but is kind of low-lustre. As if it was maybe sandblasted, then buffed a little. I hope this makes sense.

BTW, it has a 2 1/2-inch barrel and original Pachmayr neoprene target stocks (with Colt medallions). The combination of short barrel and large stocks has always looked kind of funny to me. But, hey, it's a Python. :)

[Edited by jimmy on 01-13-2001 at 08:13 AM]
Colt is back

Colt will be re-introducing its Python and Anaconda line.
For more info go to:
I was in a local shop yesterday and saw quite a few Pythons, three of which were nickel plated. One 6" and two 4". The 6" and one of the 4" were going for $699. The other 4" was around $700-something.