My Polish M44 (1953)


New member
Rec'd this yesterday (via the brown truck)



A couple of things:
Bought it from a private party (no store involved)
No cosmo - the previous owner took really good care of it
Not counterbored
The bore looks great - the previous owner shot it but not much.

Sorry for the crappy cell-phone pic's
(My laptop is terminal)

I can't wait to shoot this sucker!
Hopefully it's a overcast day so the fireballs can be seen!
I 'herd' some of some bogus M44s coming into Calif. have plastic parts, MIM parts or something like that. Have you checked the magazine and trigger guard lately? :D With an estimated 7 or 17 million Mosins made it's bound to happen. :D:D
Very similar to my first M44 ($90 pawn shop grab, 3 yrs ago). Nicest finished M44 of the several different countries M44s I have owned and also the smoothest action. Be wary of the heavy ball milsurp ammo, especially the Polish. It will rock you big time.
Checked em'

* #8
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Join Date: October 7, 2009
Posts: 715
I 'herd' some of some bogus M44s coming into Calif. have plastic parts, MIM parts or something like that. Have you checked the magazine and trigger guard lately? With an estimated 7 or 17 million Mosins made it's bound to happen.

No plastic parts here!