My police power abuse story...

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Staff In Memoriam
At the ripe old age of 18-22 or so I was a lawn maintenance guy... Me and the owner did nothing but high end work for quality to well paying customers... One of our lower paying yards was out of our patriotic hearts to a long since retired Colonel. He didn't have a big yard with too much ornamental shrubbery nor did he have much money to blow... We would do about any thing for him and his wife, including a monthly trip up a ladder with the back pack blower to keep his eaves trough clear of leaves. I was very fond of him and his wife and gave my all on his place each week. he had a bunch of "beds" around single bushes or a few flowers and many guys would have despised pushing the edger around that lawn to trim them all each week but I smiled every step cuz I knew what they meant to his wife even though she never noticed i "twisted" them all the time. By this I mean I would offset the edger a tad bit and rotate the squares to break the monotony. One was around a Japanese Maple... it looked quite a bit like a "pot plant" to the UNTRAINED eye. This neighborhood did not have side walks in front of homes, they were like trails in the woods out back.
One day a deputy is joggin and sees this japanese maple and is in awe that anyone would grow "dope" in plain sight like that! He passes word about his "FIND" to the right superiors and gets a "BUST" set up! They stormed the place and put him and his wife on their belly with guns to the back of their heads while one or more cops figures out it is a mistake... They apologize and leave. The next time we visit the Colonel asks us to cut it down and replays the story to us... I pipe up my young mouth saying how offended he should be and he just tells me that mistakes happen! I do as requested and read the paper for signs of this "raid" (pre internet) and find nothing... I asked of the sherriffs dept. and I get a STERN "NO COMMENT SON!"... these two were in their high 70's at the time and either could have kicked the bucket when "raided"...
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