My observation


New member
Here's a couple of quick opinions, a couple of facts, and an observation or 2.

1. Are people really that nieve to believe that the 20 some-odd children killed yesterday will and are the only ones killed. At work today, i was reading an "evil" gun magazine, and one of my co-workers commented that I shouldn't be reading that today. I asked why. He replies because of that incident near denver. My reply was approximately 30 people are killed with guns every day according to HCI. Do we forget about them just because they didnt make the CNN news?

2. I beleive what has been done is done, and that people should learn from such incidents. Like current gun laws aren't working (i believe it's a law that minors can't be in possesion of a firearm with out a gaudian, and people cant posess firearms on school property), that a well planned and exacuted attack can't be defended agianst, so no matter how many laws are passed that these crimes will be committed.
-I really doubt that the perps were thinging "boy i wonder if I'm breaking the law right now".

3. Finally I'm getting tired of people that don't know me (aka law makers) telling me what's best for me.

I'd apreciate ANY comments/facts/and points of view. I'm wondering if I'm the only feeling this way.

Chris. You are not alone. I have felt that there was too damn much government interference in our lives for a long time now. The big problem is, how do we educate the sheeple, so that they will realize what is happening, before it's too late. That is if it is not too late already.

Paul B.

Well thank goodness you were not reading a CAR magazine! Look how many people get killed every day by those evil CARS!

Tell the guy to mind his own business!

That's it, I'm fed up. Guns are evil. Can't be the adorable kids, afterall. I call for a BAN on all firearms. If we fight for it, we can make it happen. I suggest that all TFL members bury their guns so the fed doesn't get them, as I will be doing. Then, as the country spirals into a pity of anarchy and the murder and violent crime rates sky rocket, we can call up groups like HCI and say "I told you so."

Oh, and as for Car magazines: My very astute co-workers have informed me that cars are not evil, cause they have a "useful" purpose in addition to being the hell-in-a-handbasket tool of drunk drivers and other idiots, mainly to get people from A to I guess protecting my own life is not a useful purpose?
These co-workers were angered by me yesterday since I tried to explain to them the difference between full auto and semi-auto. "You are so ignorant, Marc, can't you see what these guns are foing?"
First of all, I know facts and information on firearms, and they do not, so they are ignorant, not me.
And I did not see what guns did yesterday in Colorado; I saw what two confused and troubled kids did. I guess that's the difference between me and them.
Live Free or Die

[This message has been edited by othermarc (edited April 21, 1999).]
Several years ago, I attended a hearing on a gun control law in Montgomery Co., MD. One of the speakers for the antis was a young woman from NCBH (still?) which is associated with the Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church. Thinking we might discuss the issue in a different atmosphere (I was not married at the time, and she was pretty), I approached her and asked, "What kind of laws would make you happy?" Her mouth distorted, her eyes blazed, and she replied, "I won't be happy until every one of you gun crazies is shot dead and the gutters run with your blood!"

So much for the "Christian" position of the UMC. I concluded that trying to reason with the antis would be a waste of time.
Okay, so - I can't have guns, because they are evil - but I can have a Car, evil, but also usefull... Okay...

I want a SOCOM AUDI A8 QUATTRO... 4 inch lift kit, over sized tires all the way around. Ram Bar up front and razor edges all over for defense... and perhaps a jousting lance mounting bracket on the sides.



You have that right. Those anti-gunners have a serious violent streak to them. I find it very telling that, when they get lit up, the violence and desire for death to their opponents comes spewing forth. It is quite know their righteousness would send us off to the ovens with nary a second thought.

So, I guess its permissible to kill those who don't embrace their morality...oh yeah, kinda like Clinton and Kosovo ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Jim K.--so, she said she wouldn't be happy until every one of us "gun crazies" is shot dead...

shot dead...SHOT.........uhhhhh, okay. By who? By what? Who's going to do this shooting? Her? Wow...boy, I'll tell ya...

What is it that Bugs Bunny was always saying...? Oh, yeah..."what a maroon."

Wow, too bad someone couldn't have caught that little exchange on video and put it on the airwaves.

I once had an online encounter with a fellow who was very upfont about it. His honest-to-God opinion was that as far as guns were concerned, the entire Constitution should be temporarily suspended until the gov't could kick down every door, search every house, and execute on the spot every member of every family found to be in possession of anything having to do with guns or shooting.

And they think WE'RE the extremists?

Shoot straight regards, Richard
Trying to reason with anti-gunners is like trying to teach a pig to sing. It annoys the pig and wastes your time. They seem to be very emotional about their stand and no amount of common sense or reason will penetrate their shell. They don't wish to be confused by facts.
Well, Jim, that's all very interesting, but tell me ... did you get the date? ;)

Tex, I think many of us have come to the same conclusion. These days, I am learning to find an anti's 'facts', and then focus on one or two. (This is only for someone I think may be redeemable. And, I focus on one or two so the conversation stays on track and doesn't become oppressive.) The honest, intelligent ones (too few) actually may begin to agree that their one or two 'facts' aren't really facts. Alternatively, and usually, they fall back into emotion, change the subject or otherwise turn off the discussion. Those folks are hopeless, and my respect for their intelligence drops to zero when it becomes obvious they don't want to be confused with the facts. However, they do want to destroy my freedom to defend myself and my family.
I think you encapsulated that emotional bent pretty many times have we heard on the radio one of the anti 2nd amend types or there lackeys(media), say that during this incident in my life If I would have had a gun I would have shot me it means that if they cant control them selves then they dont need to have firearms. It also shows and to me even more importantly how naieve they are concerning violence, they seem to think taking a persons life even in defence of you or yours is something you can step away from and not have effect you. One of the hardest things for most people to do is to take a life on purpose, even if they've developed the mindset to do so in order to protect themselves or their own. In war we have to demonize or make the enemy less than human or ourselves in order to create a situation were the average indiviual will shoot the enemy. I forget which war but during one of them the govt was much surprised to find that only 20% or so were actually firing there weapons.........and if they think that a police officer who has the legal right to take a life is any less affected when he has to take a life, they are quite naieve, the effects of a justifiable shooting on the partners, co-workers, administration and the individual family are intense....sorry for the rant, but those antis just chap my a**....fubsy.
Speaking of gun mags...

Yesterday I went in to the Grocery Store and picked up about half a dozen things, including a gun magazine. While in line I got a package of Rugrats bubblegum which is about my 3 year old's favorite thing on the planet.

When I got to the cashier, she noticed the gum and started talking to me about her grandkids and how she brings them candy every day, yadda, yadda.. I told her that the Rugrats gum was my daughter's favorite, yadda, yadda.. she asked how old my daughter was.. yadda, yadda.. about that time she got to the gun mag.. There was a palpable end to the niceties... she looked up at me in a way that made me think Darth Maul style horns had just started protruding from my forehead.
I tried to keep up the conversation, but she was having none of it.. all business all of a sudden....

Hopefully, this attitude in the normally unbiased crowd will blow over soon, but If the Anti's are allowed to capitalize on the current emotional glaze of mistrust for guns... well, it ain't gonna be pretty.....