My new toy


I just picked up a S&W mod 28-2 stainless steel 6" barrel 6 shot .357 and the price was right :D


P.S this is only the second revolver I have owned the first was a Tarus mod 85 wich was stolen I miss that little thing :( check again. The model 28 is blued. There is no stainless version of this example. The closest you will come is the model 627.

You've hit upon one of the very few things that make me "crazy angry". I just can NOT stand it when a thief comes in and helps himself to someone else's "hard worked for" property. How did you loose that 85? (If you don't mind me asking.) My wife carries a Total Titanium .38 Special snub (Mod. #85) in a hidden compartment in her purse. Sometimes I worry that a purse snatcher will grab it from her.

well the frame says 28-2 it isnt shiny and it looks like every other smith non shiny stainless I have seen.

The way I lost my 85 was a guy I thought I knew I left in my apartment for 5 min because I had to say something to a neighbor he came down said see you later and left when I came back up to my apartment both my 85 and my SIG 226 were gone I am not even going to talk about what the police response time and how they handled the situation went that still annoys me


PS sorry about the spelling I am writing this after having a few drinks
If it isn't got one with a mis-stamped frame. Used to be pretty rare and there is a collector sub-set that seeks the odd ones. Lately it seems more common to find mis-marked Smiths.

Hope the one that stole your 85 has bad things happen.

besides the crest and the serial # and the model # the only other thing that is stamped on the revolver is357 ctg and "HIGHWAY PATROLMAN" so what model do you think I have


PS it has adjustable rear sights

A few drinks is the LEAST of what I would have had if someone who I considered a friend had stolen TWO fine pistols. I would have tracked him to the ends of the earth and gotten my guns back. (And I've got the time to do it!)
That is one of the "lowest" stories I've ever heard. I'm hot just thinking about it. You must have gone out of your mind with rage! VERY understandable. He must have been a "pro" if he was able to find your valuables in five minutes!

Sorry Bud,
Kentucky Rifle
at the time I had my two pistols stolen I lived in a dinky 2 bedroom apartment that you really cant hide anything in. Plus it wasnt known for the nicest neighborhood so my SIG was out in the open right next to where I always sat in my living room I know I shouldnt have left it out while I wasnt in the apartment but you figure you are only going out of the apartment for a moment he isnt going to do anything boy was I wrong
Lorenzo SD
Sounds like you have a N frame which has had a 'Armoloy' (sp) treatment.
Lots of guns had that supposedly 'rust-proof' treatment done 25-30 years ago.
If is is a flat finish which appears to be stainless then that is what you have.

Our Dept had a few 27's done in that finish and it proved to be good.
Don Mallard