My new (to me "58 Came today.

Old Dragoon

New member
My new Pietta '58 came today. It is a 2000 (BN in box)model and it is not the shooter's pistol and neither are the front sight or rammer dovetailed. and no gold trigger. Now my thoughts are, that this came from a pawnshop and they didn't know the difference between "dovetail" and "inset" and I do believe that the Gold trigger thing was a misprint as they were explaining the blue of the frame in the preceding sentence and meant to say Gold(brass) trigger guard. Not a big deal for what I got it for. Cheapest one of the three so far.

Now the good things. Once again, I got an unfired piece, it still has the original oil/grease from Pietta in the bbl and cylinder and guts, no box but I got the paperwork with it. I swapped out the conversion cylinder and it swaps in and out flawlessly but I need to do some tune up work as the hand won't let the cylinder spin on half cock and the hammer spring must be from a freight wagon. The BP cylinder spins on halfcok very well I think the tip of the hand has a burr or two. Tuneup in the works.
It does have a flawless bore other than probably needing some lapping.
Rammer latch end is looser than on the others but that can be fixed easily.
All in all it is a good piece.
I might just keep this one BLUE.....maybe......
Sounds to me like you made out anyway!! Just to think that you had me searching all my books and spending hours on the net trying to find a GOLD TRIGGER REMINGTON for you! That one is going to cost you:) You really had me scratching my head.
It sure sounds like with a little stoneing and some carding you will have a another first class Remington, Congrats to you friend.
Yepper! I just got it apart and it for sure needs stoning and the cylinder lock top forks were sprung because someone tightened the hand screw way to far in, the hand needed stoning so I'm doing the stoning now. Trigger had snags hammer was relatively smoother bit there was a bur on the cyl. lock forks side on the full cok notch. Stoning took care of that one I polished the hand and there were burs all over it. it's smooth now. the cylinder lock had a bur and now it's smooth. The hammer spring IS from a freight wagon. Have an order to go into Dixie tomorrow so I'll get a couple more hammer springs so I can learn how to lightenthem, I read that you hour glass the spring. Never done it before but I'm sure I can do it. Grips fit unusually tight and match the metal pretty well.

Yep i feel i got a good deal.
Old Dragoon, To lighten the hammer spring just taper it slightly and then bevel or taper back the sides the full length . It will look like you sharpened a knife on one side ofthe blade.. Maybe I should say it will look more like the sharpened edge of scissors.
The hour glass works but believe me they break sooner than later because your creating a week spot that's constantly bending. Never broke a spring on either of my Remingtons by doing them as iI described above. Learned from an old gun smith and he never did stear me wrong.
Got ya on the tapering of the hammer spring.

Got the new '58 all cleaned up, stoned and back together. She's running like a fine watch now, no advancing problem with either cylinder now. I was able to unspring the forks of the cylinder lock. Cleaned, stoned and oiled all the internals with olive oil and re-assembled the innards. I think the cylinder lock fork being spread by the hand screw being screwed in to far was the main problem.
I loosened the tension on the hammer spring to where the screw just engages the spring and it is way Mo' better. There seemed to be cosmolene on the bbl and frame. Brakleen took care of that.

I checked the bore and it is the same twist/lands and grooves as my 2002 and looks like it is as deep too. I think this one will shoot too.
We'll see Sat. Morn. Nice pistol.
Old Dragoon,....congrats on your new '58 Rem! It'll be happy to join your others and be outa that pawn shop, and on to bigger & better ventures out shootin for ya!...hehe Post a picture if you get a chance. Too bad it's not a Shooters, but it sounds like you got a good one from Pietta. Wayne told me the cartridge conversion cylinders won't fit in the Shooters,...bummer!

RK,...that's good advice about being careful when tapering the hammer spring , by tapering it back on the edges like that.

I just got a Pietta Shooters from Dixie , but sent it back due to chamber/barrel misalignment. Frustrating,....I will have to post about it , and show some pics comparing the Shooters with my Uberti '58 rem.............later:)
Yeah i kinda figured that the Conversion cylinders wouldn't work in the Shooter's. Bore is bigger too. The .457 Dia Ball tipped me off that it might not work.
There sure a lot of unfired Pietta '58's out there. Pretty reasonable on the auction sites too. I'm happy that my conversion cylinder works in all three pistols...still have to get a couple more.

My first '58 will now probably become a belly gun, with a reworked grip frame.
Like the one on River Junction Kirst accessories page.
For some reason I have heard of a lot of people sending guns back to Dixie. They must not have a very good quality control or they wouldn't send out guns like that. Think I mentioned before that the quality of any of the Italian gun's depends on how much wine the guy's on the machines had the night before,Lol.
"Think I mentioned before that the quality of any of the Italian gun's depends on how much wine the guy's on the machines had the night before,Lol."

I've heard importers say the same thing. They also like to mention that the Italinas like to take off the entire months of August and December.
I forgot to thank you for sending the Lube. It should be here Sat or Tuesday due to Monday being a PC holiday. Seems the gov. gets the day off the day after a holiday if it falls on Sunday. Go figure.

Anyway Thanks, I'm looking forward to seeing how it works with the cartridge loads. The Bore Butter seems to work good. I shot fifty shot last Sat morn. albeit they were smokeless but cleanup was a dream and if the stuff works half as well with BP residue, then I'm a happy camper. Looked at a BP shot gun(bp loaded shells) after our match the other day. He used Bore Butter and the residue was not much worse than my pistol last Sat. Really soft and greasy.

When I 'm lubing and sizing it smells like I have lathered up in Ben-Gay using the Bore Butter, but I don't mind.
This new gun shoot as well as my other one....

I went out and shot the new "58 yesterday morning, standing two hand hold. I shot 25 shots (smokeless with the cartridge converter) , they don't like BP inside. Out of 25 shots only seven shots ere out of the bull, it was a 100yard rifle target, but the bull seems to be the same as 25 yard pistol,(they sold me the wrong targets). This was 15 yds. First two shots were used to shoot lap the bbl. I used Bore Butter(Traditions EZ Lube, Same stuff) and even the smokeless residue was really soft and both guns worked flawlessly Swapped out the Conversion cylinder to shoot my 2002 Pietta, didn't clean or anything. OK I realize that smokeless should gum up the works but it slowed it down with SPG lube. It groups very well. Shoots where you point it. The shooter caused the flyers LOL
I was jazzed that this new pistol seems to shoot the same as my 2002 pistol. I shot the 2002 after and they both hold the same place. I haven't antiqued this new one yet and I may not since it is older than the other two. Below is a picture of all three.
Mike sent me some of his lube and I'll use it on some cartridges and when I shoot BP at the outside range soon. Thanks Mike.

Boy does the gunfighter point nice and sight accqusition is very quick. If the trigger was a shade straighter I could twirl this one, but with my small trigger finger it pinches between the trigger and the guard. OUCH, so that will keep me safe.

Yall Are Right About The Guns From Dixie! I Have Received 2 .31's In The Past Month One A 1849 And The Other A 1863 Pocket Rem And Both Broke After Less Than 20 Shots!the 63 Was The Last And The Tip Of The Hand Broke After 16 Shots.i Have Ordered 2 More Hands From Vti And Im Going To Have Dixie Send Me One As Well!the 63 Rem Is A Pietta So I Dont Understand Cause All 3 Of My 58's Are Piettas And The Have Never Had A Flaw!maybe Its Just A Freak Thing And The Hand Was Weak,you Think?