My New Steyr M95 w/pics


New member
Here she is. Made in Budapest, "H" stamp conversion to M95. Oddly found a "P" hand carved in stock. My last name starts with P and my G-Grand Father likely carried one of these in WWI. Im telling myself it was his. :D
I cleaned off all the cosmoline and reassembled. Pretty smooth considering the rough condition. What can I do to the wood to keep it from deteriorating? Mineral Oil? I wiped all metal with BreakFree prior to fitting back into wood.


great find boogieman. one of the nicest M95s I've seen though they are a bit of an oddity, such a cheap rifle with hard to find enblocs and expensive ammo to boot is just kindof hard to draw collectors. I hope to one day have one but for now I just have to ogle yours. was it an LGS purchase or was it an online order?

I use linseed oil on all of my milsurp rifles. do it just right and the stocks are almost waterproof. just coat a rag in it and rub vigorously and leave it to dry for a few hours. works like a charm.
Clips can be found at Numrich for like 5$, PPU makes ammo for them now, and being weird, is often the only ammo left unhoarded in stores these days :D

I had a chance to finally shoot mine recently--totally fun! Rechambering it to 50 Alaskan will be funner, but I just may buy a second to leave as-is. They're actually better project guns than Mosins, since nearly all that are left are in bad shape and "bubba'ed" by the various regimes that mixed/matched, cut them down, and rechambered them. As Mosins are climbing in price, I'm noticing people posting about their M95 purchases more and more--perhaps when the M95 is the cheapest, we'll start seeing more ammo options for us tight-wads.

Of course it was your Great Grandfather's rifle, it's marked with his initial on the stock, isn't it?

Nice looking rifle. Don't shoot that old ammo, it's collectable, especially with a nice box. Get some spare enbloc clips and Prvi Partisan ammo, it's boxer-primed, reloadable, and not corrosive like the old stuff.
I haver a bunch of clips from different armories, austrian, nazi, hungarian stamps. The Nazi marked ammo I have is pretty easy to come by. $1 a round in original box at LGS. Its all over Gunbroker and other online places for as high as $5 a round and sometimes doesnt include the clip.
I bought this rifle from a Russian on gunbroker for $160 including s&h. I have a good relationship with LGS so I only paid NICS $17. With the pictured ammo im under $200.
I also found dies to reload the round and a couple of brass or boxer primed brands of ammo available. This rifle and round will undoubtedly die out because it was only used by one army, to my knowledge. The rarity (somewhat) of this particular one is that it is made in Budapest rather than Steyr.
Does anyone know what the H stamp stands for? I believe it would have been added when the rifle was re-chambered for 8x56 and I assumed it was the done in Hungary rather than Austria.

I would love to find an Ammo pouch as seen in the above picture. Any sources?
I note your Granpappy's rifle didn't have that stupid sling swivel on the left side of the grip. I don't what they were thinking when the relocated the bottom-mounted swivel to the forward position. Bang your fingers on it right handed, tear up your palm on it left handed :mad:

I would think that Pappy has the 8x50R and not the 8x56R that I have. I guess thats when they relocated the sling. That thing is anchored well enough to pull a truck. Thru bolted into a blind nut then peened over so you cant remove it.
It was 28 hear today with 35mph winds so I didnt go shoot. Im not expecting much from the rifle as far as accuracy, but I have to find out.
Awesome rifle Boogieman! I'm even more envious that you have a pic of your Great grand Dad.
I had a great Uncle who was in France in WWI. I just bought a beautiful "Eddystone" and bayonet that I like to think was his.:).

He died in 1964 when I was only 9. My great aunt gave me some medals and ribbons and his shaving kit that was Army issued to remember him by. Also, his 26th YD (Yankee Division) patch. You don't give that stuff to a 9 year old kid! Didn't she know I would lose it all in the woods while I was saving the world from the Nazis? I would give anything to have that stuff now.:(
I used to see that ammo in the enblocks a dime a dozen in the shotgun news about 12 years ago:) more:(

Nice nice though. My gramps has an M1 in all the pictures I have:D
I finally had some fair weather today. Got a chance to shoot some of my 1938 Nazi ammo from the Steyr. From what I have read and the lightweight of the rifle with a steel buttplate (I think its sharper than the bayonet) I was a bit skittish on the first pull of the trigger. I must say I was pleasantly surprised. The rifle functioned flawlessly and the recoil was not at all bad. The straight pull turns some heads at the range. Long trigger pull, I was at 25yds and it shot 6-8" high. When the range isnt so crawded I will give it some time at the 100yd line and see if I can make a group.