"My" New Shop Rifle and my First PRS Match


New member
Today I got to really run one of our new guns we've built at the shop. First the specs on the gun:
Kelbly Left Hand Action
X-Caliber .264 barrel that I threaded and chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor
Timney Trigger
PDC Custom Chassis (bedded with Marine Tex)
Sig Sauer Tango 6 3-18X44


We set this up to be one of our new competitive rifles. We're using Prime 130 grain ammo.

Today I got to shoot my first match with it. It was a local club match. Shots ranged from 100 to 1,000 yards with most falling somewhere in between. Highlights included 400 and 700 yard shots standing with your rifle resting on a strap strung between two posts, golf balls on strings at 100 yards, and some very difficult skinny prairie dog targets.

The big saving grace is that it was a very windless day. Wind was reading less than 2 MPH constantly for most of the day which enabled dead holds at the 600 and 700 yard targets without any adjustments.

This was a great experience for me as a shooter because I've never really shot past 200 yards or so and never in a precision context. Before the match, I had only confirmed my zero and chronograph at 100 yards and put the data in my ballistics calculator (kestrel). I had never experienced shooting any farther but put my trust in the data. With that, I was able to get first round hits at 350, 400, 600, and 700 yards. My two shots at 1,000 yards were fruitless but I believe that will come with time.

What I did learn today is that it's not impossible with good data, I am addicted to the sport, and I am falling in love with this gun

Nice build secs on the rifle.
Sounds like you had a good day with little wind!

Are you going to continue in the local matches with the rifle?
Seems like it would be good experience as well as a good place to show off rifle builds, and that is a win-win to me.
Yes, we definitely plan to do more. In fact, I plan on attending national PRS matches starting soon enough... but a low cost match less than a half hour from my house was a great place to start and learn the basics
Yipeee skippy that's one nice machine!

Congratulation on construction of and assembly of a really fine rifle and the shooting.
A few other glamour shots from the match, provided by photographers from local gunstore/range The Alamo. Shared with permission.



