My"New' S&W M65


New member
Today I bought a M65-3. I had sold a plastic auto very quickly after retiring and wanted something SS and easy to carry. It needs to be cleaned and polished. I'll smooth up the action just a bit. It's was sold to me as a 'Police Trade-in'. Total walk out was $422. I'm happy.

BTW, there was one M64 at the show, they were asking $624 for it.:eek:
I have a model 65-3 that my dad carried plainclothes back in the late 80's. It's 3 inch, perfect for carry but I'm too attached to it. I'd hate to lose it after an incident.
I'll try later to post something. It's just a plain Jane M65. I field stripped it and it is filthy. I couldn't get the ejector star or rod out. I might need a small vise, it's that tight. I'll pop off the side plate this week when I have time.