My new Remington 1875


New member
I just got a new Uberti Outlaw and so far am thrilled with its performance. Mines the 7.5 inch nickle plated in 45colt. This is my first real nickle plated gun and I've been missing out as it looks much nicer than in the pictures. Fit and finish are very nicely done and the action locks up tight, I mean Freedom Arms tight! The barrel extension and cylinder bushing are about half the length of a Colt enabling the also shorter than Colt cylinder to completly fill the cylinder window front and back giving a very solid look. Couple that with the under barrel web and you have a very strong looking revolver. The web serves no purpose as far as strength but I did find it usefull when shooting from the bench off a less than ideal rest. I was able to reaquire the same elevation for each shot by sliding it up the rest whereas with a Colt I have to reposition the rest each shot. Poi was the optimal (for me) 1 inch above poa and dead center. You roll the dice when you buy a fixed sighted gun, usually I'll determine a sixguns application wether it be hip shooting only or small game hunting by its poi. This gun however shoots straight and I was able to walk in shots at 200yrds by raising the front sight as needed. The stocks are a very nice cut of walnut with a dark brown stain, rather than the orangish ones I've seen Uberti produce, and have no proud edges or dimples in surface. Unlike how they appear in pictures they actually feel alot like Ruger XR3-reds being slightly fatter with a bit of room behind the trigger guard. Another advantage of them one might not realize from pictures is the straight cut across the tops with recess than runs into the frame. These slopes on both sides offer the perfect thumb rest and allow me to pull back with my thumb providing a very secure one handed grip. Most sixguns are held with the fingers and palm but here we have the complete hand locked down tight. Testing was done with 30,35, and 40grs of Goex BP in both Cartridge and FFF and 250gr pan lubed Meister bullets. I havent shot it that much yet but I can confidently say it will do -2 inches at 15yards, and ran fine with BP after washing with soap and hot water and relubing with Thompsons bore butter. I'd heard this model was prone to base pin jumping when used with powerfull loads due to the unauthentic but functional thumb release base pin latch but suffered no such problems and even with 40grs FFF it kept right on shooting which recoils about like a 280gr bullet! Two thing I should mention however are trgger pull and percieved mainspring tension. I'm guessing the trigger brakes at about 4-5 pounds which is unlike the exellent Colt replicas which can go as low as 2-3 pounds. Not a bad thing but different if your used to shooting 73's. Theres absolutly no creap at all though and it shot right along with my Cimarron 7th cavalry. Cocking the hammer requires alot more force also than the 73 but this is a design and functional thing as those who own the exellent 58 NMA's know. I could care less myself as this isnt a CAS gun so I wont be thumbing lighter loads through it AFAP. Overall I'm very pleased with this gun and should have bought it about 10 guns ago. It will serve any hangun pupose very well offering the usuall revolver advantages of being more accurate, powerfull, and reliable than alteratives. Price was 489+tax


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This all sounds very nice, but...


Seriously though, it sounds like a good shooter. Lots of guys like the '58s, but when you start talking cartridge guns it's all about SAAs with the occasional mention of a Schofield. It's refreshing to read a little about something different. Good review too. Lots of info. Thanks for taking the time.

Now about those pictures...
I have had my 1875 since 1979. Mine did not shoot to POA for me so I had
a gunsmith make a higher front sight, now it is dead on using a 250gr buller-45 Long Colt.