Some folks are overreactionary or have a personal problem and when something goes wrong with a gun they don't like, well, you see what happens. It's the same thing when a guy with a 1911 has trouble with something, all the Glock guys tell him where to stick it. How does that help the guy with the broken gun? Anyway...
Rest assured that the Kel-Tec P32 is a fine gun. Since it didn't work yesterday and noe it does, I would definately clean it thoroughly. You might have had something in there. Do the fluff and buff...I did it before firing. Just take your'll take about an hour. As far as mags are concerned, dvc, there might have been something there that you couldn't see. the P32 mags to not free fall from the gun. They're designed to barely pop loose. And as 9X19 has already stated, the hammer requires a bit of travel from the slide in order to reset...otherwise the hammer won't operate. Richard, one more thing. Be sure when you're loading a mag, to make sure that the rim of the top cartride isn't behind the rime of the cartridge below it. It has to be this way all the way down the mag (not just the top round). This isa problem with all .32s, not just the P32. It;s because the .32 acp has a semi-rimmed case.