My "New" Mosin Nagant


Yep, just got my Mosin Nagant M91/30 for $120. This is my first no bull**** gun. I mean before I had a couple of .22s and that's it. I wanted a good full powered rifle and that's the Mosin Nagant for you. I used to think the 91/30s were too long and bulky but they're actually about the same overall length as an M-14 which isn't too bad. I also hear its pretty accurate. I never fired mine yet. I got it in "new" condition. It's been packed in cosmoline its whole life and never fired. Plus it came with all of the accessories. Next I might either get an SKS or M1 Garand if I can cough up the cash.

All I need is yall's opinion on the best method to remove the cosmoline. Thanks guys.
For the metal bits, it works really well to remove them and disassemble(I'm talking about the bolt here) and boil the crap out of them. The heat will remove all the cosmoline and the allow the parts to dry almost instantly after removing them from the water.
welcome to mosin nagants. when i bought my 91/59 it took me about 4 hours to clean it up. it had been sitting there with cosmoline all over it and the dust mixed in with it and made it hell to clean. just take it apart and clean piece by piece with whatever your favorite gun cleaner is.
I use boiling water on all the metal including the bore. Literally grab your tea kettle and heat it up, then dump it down the bore, mag bolt etc. Repeat as many times as necessary. Then do it once more just to make sure.:cool:

I then use sun light on a hot day in a plastic bag over paper towels, the oven on warm with the door cracked open and stock next to it in a turkey pan for the wood, or any combo of the 2.

Mineral spirits work well too if your going to refinish the stock. I also find a low temp heat gun to be of great benefit for the small handgaurds and what not.

Remember if shooting corrosive surplus ammo to flush the barrel out with water or ammonia when done shooting. I have found that a few squirts of Windex down the barrel while still warm helps out nicely when you get home for cleaning purposes.

Hoppes bore gel is fantastic for cleaning old Russian shooting irons btw.

Remember to polish the chamber with a bore brush on a short cleaning rod and a power drill.

Remember to use some spirits after the boiling water to get all the grease out.(Not the drinking spirits, the cleaning

One trick that may help is that you put the bayonet on it, then stick it in the ground. it makes pouring boiling water easy.