At the small and sparsely-attended show here in K-town this past weekend, I was working a table for a friend selling knives. I didn't get a chance to really stroll the floor 'til Sunday noonish, and was underwhelmed, since I was looking for old wheelguns, not new Glocks or Taurii. There were a few moderately interesting pieces: a bobbed-hammer 2.5" Model 66, a pinned-barrel 4" Model 64 with nice stag grips, a lone 5-screw M&P that wasn't too outrageously priced, and a nickel 3" RB Model 13-3 that was tagged at $500.
In one case, however, tucked away amongst a bunch of old Colt Pocket Autos, Mauser HSc's and such, was the find of the show: a 4" 624 and a 4" 625-3. The .45 was tagged at four bills, and the .44 stickered @ $425. Trying hard to remain nonchalant, I indicated to the guy behind the table that I might be interested in the 625. He chatted for a moment about Lew Horton this and didja-know-this-thing-needs-moonclips that while I just nodded noncommitally. "I really need to raise some cash," he said "seems all I've been doing this show is trading". "Would you take $350 out the door?" I replied.
Now I have a 4" 625-3 to go with my 5" 625-4. The serial # dates it to late 1989, and I got that rubber Hogue abomination off the thing as fast as I could and put some Altamont grips I had lying around on it. I am such a proud momma; pictures to follow...
In one case, however, tucked away amongst a bunch of old Colt Pocket Autos, Mauser HSc's and such, was the find of the show: a 4" 624 and a 4" 625-3. The .45 was tagged at four bills, and the .44 stickered @ $425. Trying hard to remain nonchalant, I indicated to the guy behind the table that I might be interested in the 625. He chatted for a moment about Lew Horton this and didja-know-this-thing-needs-moonclips that while I just nodded noncommitally. "I really need to raise some cash," he said "seems all I've been doing this show is trading". "Would you take $350 out the door?" I replied.
Now I have a 4" 625-3 to go with my 5" 625-4. The serial # dates it to late 1989, and I got that rubber Hogue abomination off the thing as fast as I could and put some Altamont grips I had lying around on it. I am such a proud momma; pictures to follow...