My New HK MP5 SD


New member
And yet again, I just couldnt help splurging on an item of no utility except that I could target practice in the backyard without waking up anyone.

The amazing part is it's so eerily and hauntingly quiet and you only hear the bolt mechanism moving when your shooting it. Cycles crappy Chinese & Pakistani 9mm rounds flawlessly.

Downside is it’s a nightmare to clean and I havnt figured out how to clean the suppressor.

Here goes the eye candy.






Hope you guys like it.
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Hahahaha that's soo true.

I've ordered EOTECH Holographic sights from the US and expect delivery in a week or so.

Would have to do with $50 chinese red dot for now. But what the hell, I get 5different types of rectile choices :P
amazing gun....wish i could afford one, the pics look a little fuzzy on my screen though. I would love to see some more eye candy on this one though...
dstyle, thats the best I could get out of my BB :P

I still dont know how to clean the suppressor :/

I poured in Hoppes into the suppressor thinking of rinsing out the dirt but nothing came out. I hope I didnt ruin anything :P

Experts HELP!
I have a buddy who has an SD. I don't think he cleans the inside of the suppressor, just the outside of the barrel around the ports.

He has a special brush that threads onto the suppressor that he scrubs the barrel with.

Don't pour solvents into your suppressor unless you know what you are doing.
I wish I could help you out with the cleaning of the suppessor, but I don't know a whole lot about them. I seem to remember a fellow Marine from my 1/7 days coming off of MSG duty saying something about cleaning/ soaking them in methyl ethyl ketone, MEK- a paint thinner. Don't quote me on it, it was a decade ago, but it might be worthwhile to research it.
When firing jacketed ammunition, there is no need to clean a silencer of that type (no Nielsen device). Clean the rest of the gun as usual, and don't be pouring solvents in that silencer.
Lord of War
You should have your MP5 checked out because it looks very much like the ones that are converted from regular MP5's. I say this because just by looking at its suppressor, it way thinner than original one. I have seen the converted ones they are look exactly like the one you posted. The problem with converted one is that they wont fire accurately. Compare to some of the other pictures here and your see what I mean.

Anyway, if I am mistaken then its great contraption. I used to have it. Some where in TFL I had posted the pics. I sold it for something else.