My new custom 6.5 Creedmoor


New member

Here is a pic of my 6.5 Creedmoor. It's currently topped with a Zeiss Conquest 4.5-14X50 but tomorrow I'll be ordering a March 5-40X56 that'll find its permanent home sitting atop this outstanding rifle.

Here are the photos of the rifle with the scope that will sit atop it!



Below is a target from yesterday. Two 3 shot groups at 300 yards. The first one was the top one and it measured 1.61 with the second bottom one that measured 1.64.


And now for the 500 yard target. Not near as good...ugh! It's a 5 shot group that measured 7.01. I should have placed one of the red dots on the target. They say "aim small miss small" but I didn't have anything that allowed this. I'm looking forward to shooting at 500 yards again once I get my new scope on it.
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Very nice rifle ! I think you were way too excited when you shot it ... lol (I know I would be )
I want to get a 6.5 creedmore for long distance....
Now i sit with my mouth hanging open Dearhunter61, thought that the first 2 groups were at 100, my bad. Excellent shooting rifle and with that new scope you have coming I am thinking close to a 1 ragged hole group..Even worse, I just checked the first picture and now read that it was from 300yds..
NHShooter, when I saw your post and realized I hadn't posted it was 300 yards I got a chuckle. I was pretty sure you thought it was at 100 yards. That rifle will far out shoot me. I am looking forward to seeing just how good it'll shoot with the March scope on it. Hopefully I'll be able to tighten them up a bit more.
Keep us posted Dearhunter61 I want to see what that rifle can do. and I did open the 500 yd picture, just clicked on it.

Action: Tikka
Barrel: Bartlein @ 26"
Twist: 1 in 8
Stock: KRG Whiskey 3
Bipod: Harris
Weight: HEAVY

Yes I do load my bullets. I'm using:

Brass: Hornady
Primer: CCI
Powder: H4350 - 42 grains
Bullet: Berger 140 Gr VLD

Data contained herein is intended for use by individuals who are familiar with correct and safe handloading practices and procedures. I strongly urge beginning handloaders to research and study as much information as possible prior to handlloading. If you are unfamiliar with any reloading operation or procedure I strongly recommend you become familiar with the operation of your equipment through the manufacturer's operator's manual and seek technical assistance.
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I'd try seating those bullets out a little longer if you can. Did you follow Berger's instructions for loading the VLD bullets? You can usually find your load in 24 rounds if you follow their instructions. After the initial 24 rounds you might need tweak the seating depth a little but you usually find out where the bullets like to be seated quickly.

I purchased my March scope this morning and will be getting it Wednesday. Once I do I will sight it in and see how I shoot with it sitting on the rifle and at that point I will see what to do. As for working up my load for this rifle I used the OCW load processes to find this load. There is a little room, but only a little, to try and seat the bullet out further and I will try this pending how everything performs once I get my scope on it. Frankly I believe the biggest improvement at this point is with my shooting. I need to work on my breathing and trigger pull a lot more!

Thank for the recommendations! I do appreciate it.

Really nice looking rifle and those 300 yards groups are outstanding, great job. The 500 yard target does open up a bit but it is still impressive. Looking forward to a report with your new scope.
Don't forget the 300 yard groups were 3 shot. The 500 yard may look a lot better if it was only 3 shots. Depends on the order of the shots.
Here is my story for making VLD bullets shoot.

OCW is all fine and dandy for the most part, but it never produced accurate loads with VLD bullets for me. VLD bullets seem to be very sensitive about seating depth so disregard what i told you about seating them longer. If you did OCW you already know where your pressure is at so take your max load without pressure sign and run this bullet seating test:

Load 24 rounds at the following COAL if you are a hunter (pulling a bullet out of the case with your rifling while in the field can be a hunt ending event which must be avoided) or a competition shooter who worries about pulling a bullet during a match:*

1. .010 off the lands (jump) 6 rounds*
2. .050 off the lands (jump) 6 rounds*
3. .090 off the lands (jump) 6 rounds*
4. .130 off the lands (jump) 6 rounds*

Shoot 2 (separate) 3 shot groups in fair conditions to see how they group. The remarkable reality of this test is that one of these 4 COALs will outperform the other three by a considerable margin. Once you know which one of these 4 COAL shoots best then you can tweak the COAL +/- .002 or .005. Taking the time to set this test up will pay off when you find that your rifle is capable of shooting the VLD bullets very well (even at 100 yards).

Read the whole PDF that I attached to the bottom of my original post, it's quite interesting. I was able to shoot some really good groups using this method. I know use this method for any new bullet in all my rifles since I don't run multiples of the same chamber. It's faster than OCW to find an accurate load for me.

Here is my load work. I did this first. Now that I've found the powder charge I will look to seating depth to tighten the group...but the group using 42.0 grains is pretty good in my opinion.


Here is the follow up. I fired six rounds. The first was a fouling shot that hit low right, the furthest. The following five rounds measured .597 and the fourth shot, 4 out of the 5, I tugged and it's also a little low. So all in all this is a pretty good shooting round. I will be getting my scope in the am and when I get it on and sighted in it will be interesting to see what kind of groups I get. Will it help me? Will I have a good shooting day? We will see.

Thanks for all your help. It gets confusing when you hear so many different types of load data development methods. OCW, Ladder test and now the one you mentioned. At this point with what I've done so far I am going to focus a little on bullet seating depth but as I said earlier due to the mag there just isn't much room left. I am almost to the end of my mag as it is.