My new baby


Staff Alumnus
I really should know better than to hit the pawnshops on payday.

I've been looking for something in .223Rem. AR-15 is of course my first choice, but a Mini-14 would be cheaper.

Well, after cashing my check Weds. morning, I stopped at my favorite pawnshop to see what I could see. Asked the clerk what he had in .223...

"Only .223 I have is a Bushmaster," sez he.


"Can I see it?"

He reached back into the rack, pulled out a Shorty, dropped the 10-rd mag, checked the chamber, and handed it to me.

First thing I looked at was the price tag. $900.


I looked it over from bow to stern and was *highly* impressed.

"Does it just come with the one 10-rounder?" I asked. "Yeah, that's all the guy had for it."

"Will you take $750, since it just has the one lame mag?"

He thought about it and said, "$775?"

15 minutes later, I walked out with a 99% Bushie, the original case, sling (never installed), and manual, 2 boxes of ammo (IMI), a 40-round mag... and a :D on my face.

Cut to Thursday evening (last night). I stripped the Shorty, looking for wear marks prefatory to a quick hack-n-slash with the Dremel.

None. Not on the bolt carrier rails, bolt rear tube, cam pin, feed ramps... no wear marks at all. Only odd thing I noticed was the gaps in the gas rings were all at the top, instead of staggered.


I reassembled it with no problems, realigning the rings. However, upon closing the bolt, a distinct smell of burnt powder became apparent.

So what I'm thinking is this: the original owner was a non-gun-geek who bought it for Y2K, fired a couple of shots and had problems with the bolt short-stroking. Instead of R-ing TFM or returning it, he sold it at a huge loss.

*His* loss, anyway. And my gain.

I've been a good boy, try to live right, try to do the right thing, etc, etc. ;)

Sooooo......why don't I EVER and I mean EVER find a deal like that?

Congrats on your new toy and good shooting. :)

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."
Hey man Long time no see.
Great Gun you have there.. Very good deal on it also. As for the small I will tell you this. I recived a dissapator Upper about a month ago. When I opened the bolt I could smell burnt powder. They fired it at the factory. THen when I sent it back for some work I could tell it had been fired again. From the condition you say it is in I would venture to guess that you are smelling the factory rounds that they fired.
I've been a good boy, try to live right, try to do the right thing, etc, etc.

Sooooo......why don't I EVER and I mean EVER find a deal like that?

My friend, you just answered your own question.