My method of shooting the mosin,

young mosin

New member
Everyone complains the handle is hard to push up when you shoot. so this is what i do its pretty simple

1-shoot your gun
2- pull the knob back
3 your bolt will open alot faster.

I reccomend this for target shooters and deer hunters
the reason this makes it easier to open is because you are cocking the firing pin before you open the bolt whereas normally the bolt would cock when you open the handle
2- pull the knob back

Actually, that would work on any cock-on-open bolt. However, I doubt it would make much difference on a truly hard-to-open Mosin - the few pounds of relief won't help much with a bolt that has to be hammered open.

...trim the firing pin spring...

Definitely a last resort.
not quite a last resort, many people do it. It increases lock up time, but makes the bolt easier to work. The generally rule of thumb is to take off 2 coils of spring. An extra isn't hard to get, if you do mess it up. If I recall correctly, cocking before you work the bolt will actually get about 8 pounds off the pull. When I first got my mosin, even pulling the bolt back wouldn't let me open the bolt, as it was so gummed up and jammed to begin with. It makes it easier to operate, but it doesn't solve the problem.
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Cutting the firing pin spring to solve what is most likely a cleaning issue is, to me anyway, a last resort regardless of how many people do it.
It's definitely not the first thing one should do with their Mosin. Once the bolt and receiver have been thoroughly cleaned, the gun is fairly operational. A bit of sanding and polishing in key areas, plus lightening the spring, will make your Mosin a much more enjoyable weapon to fire. There's no one "this fixes the bolt" step for these things, it's a combination of many smaller things that adds up to a smooth bolt. Initially, most Mosins' issues with stick bolt stems from needing a good, thorough cleaning. That makes them useable, in my case, it took ALOT of cleaning of an otherwise clean rifle, to get it to last more than 10 rounds at the range (at which point my bolt would completely freeze, and I would literally have to stomp on the bolt to open it).

There's different grades of "bolt smoothness" that one can achieve, and trimming the spring is one of the later mods to do to achieve optimal operation speed.
Second with TXHunter"My Mossin Bolt is silky smooth, the safety is dificult at best, "

I have the same problem, smooth bolt! Due to what I believe is proper cleaning and lube. Or just luck of the draw?
The bolt on my m44 is pretty smooth and easy to work, but every now and then its gets kinda stiff. I just whack it hard with my palm and quickly rechamber and fire. The mosin is one of the few rifles that looks cool when your reloading, but you have to do it fast and hard and then shoot quickly to impress people.