My little cannon


New member
It's nothing historical and it's not finished yet but I wanted to test fire it before I did any more work on it. That's my wife or rather ex wife breathing lol.

I have a similar 12 pdr that is 50 cal. Haven't shot it in years. I should on July 4. Last July 4th I shot my beer can mortar.
It's a .45. The barrel is part of an old trapdoor barrel. Charge was 30 grains of Swiss FF wrapped in tinfoil like they do the big boys. There was no ball just two wads. I wanted to make sure it was going to work before I did any more work on it.
No reason to let an old barrel go to waste. !!!

These are a bunch of fun and at times, more fun than shooting my SideLocks.
Most of my BP friends have at least one of these. ... :)

Very nice and looks like you have put a lot of time and effort into this. Wish we could see a little more detail. ... :rolleyes:

There are no shortage of bad M/L barrels out there and with a bit of imagination you can make a cannons out of them. I have two; one came from a TC Black Diamond and the other from a TC New Englander.

Be Safe!!!
Mayb I'll take better pics when it's finished, if I don't botch it up more than I already have. Me and wood aren't exactly on friendly terms.:D No my ex wasn't excited. She's a big ol gal and had just walked outside. The vid was longer but the first two shots all you could see was the top of that big ol pine tree. :D
DGW. They're aluminum and they aren't dished. For twice the money I could have gotten wood ones that were dished but quite honestly I didn't expect to get this far with it without a major screwup and it's not historical anyway so they do just fine. They were a booger to paint tho.
Aluminum Foil Wrapped Charges

On a side note, fired aluminum foil has been known to combust when you wad it up to throw it away. Some kind of chemical reaction or something.

Make sure it is all out of the barrel, too, before seating the next charge.

I don't mean to sound prudish...

Just a safety thing.