My letter to the editor


New member
For those of you who don't know I'm a college student at USU. Every morning I read our student newspaper, The Statesman" It is really a crappy newspaper, for such a conservative university we have a very left leaning paper.
The frontpage article today was about how the university should ban the carrying of concealed handguns on campus. The article sucked, it went on for a whole page, and didn't even have one opposing view point. There were lots of statistics, but not one source given for any of them. My favorite statistic was how we are 43 times more likely to hurt ourselves with a handgun than use it in self defense. Then they went on to quote a bunch of students who had no clue.
This is my response, it would have been longer but I was limited to 350 words.

I would like to take the opportunity to respond to the article "Utah schools worry about gun laws". I also worry about gun laws; I worry that we pass needless gun laws in order to feel safer, and in so doing put ourselves in greater danger than before. In the article there is discussion over whether or not concealed weapons should be allowed on campus, it is inferred that by banning guns at USU we would somehow be safer. I disagree.
All across this nation we have "gun free school zones". It is pretty obvious that the only people who do not bring their guns to school are the people who obey the law. A gun free zone is nothing but a hunting preserve of the innocent and helpless, waiting to be victimized by those who would use violence for their own evil ends. Shouldn't we learn from that example?
USU junior, Tiffany Reese, is quoted "I would be scared walking around campus knowing random people have guns." Tiffany, the individuals who have taken the time to pass a background check, take a class, and receive training in the use of firearms, are not the people that you should fear. It is the sick and depraved individuals that do not obey the law that should be feared. Think about it logically, if some maniac walked into one of our classrooms and opened fire, wouldn't you like one of those "random people with guns" to be able to fight back and end the threat? Or would you prefer to cower under your desk, praying to God to not be the next to die?
Having a permit is not for everyone; it is for the individual who values their life and safety. It takes a serious commitment in time and training. There have been numerous incidents where responsible citizens have saved lives by the use of a handgun. It is foolish to remove our last line of defense against violence in order to feel safer.

Larry Correia

Well, I hope they print it.
Great letter, Larry! If all gunowners were to write letters when anti-gun articles appear, we would at least make the editors of such newspapers stop and think.

Robert A. Waters
Correia, You wrote a concise, logical response. Good job. I know what is like to have a dissenting opinion on campus. Stick to your guns!
Larry, it is a fine letter indeed. Sad to hear that even a fine state such as Utah is being overrun with liberal media types. They must teach it in some journalism class.

So, what is your major?

Regards from AZ
Well Jeff, I'm actually an accounting major. I'll be done in a year, and then I'm going to go apply to be a police officer. Go figure.
Thanks for the moral support guys. I appreciate it.