My Letter to my Congressmen...


New member
Dear Representative:
I am (T)Sgt Steven S. Elliott and stationed at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas. I have served in the Air Force for nine and a half years. I’ve been to Iraq, Saudi Arabia twice (I helped close down Prince Sultan Air Base in 2003), Kuwait, and Bahrain. I’ve spent approximately three years total time in that AOR, along with numerous other TDY’s around the nation including Ft. Hood, Texas in support of Operation Noble Eagle. I am proud to serve, proud of what I am a part of, and will be proud to do whatever the future holds.

I am writing you because I feel very strongly about my rights, your rights, and the rest of the 300 Million Americans that I, and the rest of my brothers in arms, am defending. The right in particular is the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. On June 26th, the United States Supreme Court ruled that it is an individual right.

There is currently a bill on the table that, if it gets passed, will severely hinder that right. H.R. 6257, The Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008, is a very clever attempt to take away the rights of law abiding citizens. The official name is very cleverly disguised as, To Reinstate the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act. It has no safety orientation. It is a clear threat to take away from the decision of the Supreme Court, and the rights of citizens. A very similar bill was passed before, and did nothing to ensure public safety. The public has never been “safer” by the removal of firearms.

Sir, I urge, no, implore you to vote against H.R 6257 and stand up for the Constitution of the United States. I implore you to stand up for the people of the United States and defend their Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Sir, I am asking you to vote against any firearm legislation, where the reduction of liberties, is the goal.

Thank you so much for your time, and thank you for the job that you are doing.

Steven S. Elliott, (T)Sgt, USAF

So what do yall think?? Will it do?
Those letters look good. Well done. Longrifles... if you haven't yet sent the letter, you might reword something. To wit:

A firearms is an inanimate object.

Should be replaced with "A firearm is an inanimate object." or "Firearms are inanimate objects.

Great letters though.