My letter to congress about the USFWS scandal.

Dan Walker

I wrote this letter in response to the theivery that has been going on in the USFWS. Feel free to copy
it and send it to your elected officials. Before anyone asks. NO I do not talk like this. I had to rinse
my hands off in hot water after just writing that way. it's written in "Politcianese", the only language
these creeps understand.

Distinguished sirs: I am writing to you to express my outrage at the allegations of misuse of Pittman
Robertson funds, by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I am a dedicated, lifelong outdoorsman. I
take great pride, as do most other outdoorspersons, in the fact that we help to maintain wildlife
through excise taxes. We have entrusted the USFWS with stewardship over these monies,as they are
supposedly the best equipped people to administer our wildlife programs. If the allegations of misuse,
waste, and theft are correct, then we, the taxpaying sportsmen,have been robbed! If it is determined
that we have been robbed, WE DEMAND that those persons responsible, be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law. Theft is a crime, and this theft is particularly heinous. Not only has money
been taken from sportsmen, but it has been taken from everyone who enjoys the outdoors. We have
been betrayed by the very people who we have entrusted the prosperity and perpetuity of our
outdoor heritage to. The allegations that monies were funneled to anti hunting groups,has every
outdoorsman I talk to, particularly incensed. This is a despicable action. It is sickening to think that
monies we so willingly paid to promote the welfare of wildlife, and the perpetuity of our hunting
heritage, have been given to people who seek to destroy those things. These actions, if true, are
indefensible. I trust your forthcoming actions on these matters will be swift and meaningful. We, the
Sportsmen and women of this country, demand justice. If you should waiver in your devotion to the
defense our cause, we will have no other recourse, but to assume we have inadequate representaion
in the legislature. If this is truly the case, I can assure you that WE WILL correct this shortcoming
during the upcoming elections.
Wow...I have a lot of catch up to do.

So how were the funds misused?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
That's right, Dan! We're with you 110%! We're armed and dangerous, and we're not goin' to take this anymore! We'll meet at 7 tonight in Smith's old barn, and decide what to do next.

By the way - what are we upset about? ;)
I must have been out of town too long ...

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 27, 1999).]
What are we upset about? Oh, nothing really. Just a huge document released by the General accounting office, that shows that the USFWS service has been stealing our money. Some of it went into an illegal slush fund, and was used for all sorts of things, including donations to several anti hunting groups.
Some was used for travel, and other luxuries, and some of it has just disappeared. We're talking about millions of dollars here. not just a few bucks here and there. The congressmen from Idaho and Alaska are calling for an investigation right now.
For more info, go to
Why do I think of 3/4" Manila hemp rope and telephone poles when I read this?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Get the word out, y'all. I just sent the link to the GAO report to all my friends (thanks, Jeff!) and encouraged them all to write their congresspeople and senators.

Am composing my own letters, now.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
Thanks for the info Dan. As soon as I get the fire under control, I'm going to do some serious bitchin'!

Our Government in action. Jokers.