My Latest New Toy


New member
It's a Dan Wesson 15-2VH .357 mag pistol pack. It comes with a 2.5", 4", 6", and 8" barrels. I'm still trying to figure out what the wood thingie below the tool is. It's darker than the spare grip. It also has no flange, shelf, whatever you want to call it to catch on a screw head, so it does not go on the bottom of the spare grip.

nice set... I have a couple Dan Wessons, none with the full pistol paks though...

I've never seen something like the little wood pieces... only original thought was maybe a grip spacer, of course that wouldn't work, so next thought was maybe a block to protect the muzzle while cleaning ???

... or something that just got put in the kit, because it looked like it belonged... curious to hear others thoughts
Very nice! I've never owned a DW revolver but played with a used one recently at the LGS. I came very close to buying it but decided it was over priced.
The only thing I can think of that piece of wood is that in a past life it could have been the DIY grip blank that some pacs came with.

But it would be too outrageous! :D
That is one nice set,,,

I'm a sucker for sets of things,,,
Especially when they are firearm related.

That was a nice find my friend,,,
A nice find indeed.


I've never seen something like the little wood pieces... only original thought was maybe a grip spacer, of course that wouldn't work, so next thought was maybe a block to protect the muzzle while cleaning ???

... or something that just got put in the kit, because it looked like it belonged... curious to hear others thoughts

No idea what that gizmo is, but the rest of that pistol pack is VERY nice.

The only thing I can think of that piece of wood is that in a past life it could have been the DIY grip blank that some pacs came with.

Thats simply a wood spacer for the optional shoulder stock attachment. These had many types of accessories.


I actually have a Dan Wesson patch, and after looking around on the internet, I see that it appears to be a patch that came with the pistol pack. Pretty neat.

Its like this patch.