My Gun Collection


New member
I'm only 25 & caught have on to this hobby quickly.

Unfortunately where I live, most friends, acquaintances, & people my age are a little... disturbed to find out you own a firearm. Not sure how many would react if they found out I had 20+

But I had to find somewhere to share the collection... but this is a portion of my collection.

I don't have a couple that are pictures any more like a Glock or the Tavor.

My go to Doomsday firearms are the PWS Mod 2 (yes over the Scar 17) and the MK25 or CZ P09.

I have a few NFA items & other favorites not pictured that I may share later.


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Looks like a good start with some nice firearms especially for your age. The only negative is the lack of some nice older revolvers. (Start with S&W Models 36, 27, 28, 66, 5 or 686, 10, 19, and on and on)

You don't say where you live and why the folks there are disapointed in your small number of guns. Maybe they would also like to see you with a few shotguns and bolt action rifles.

Just joshing with you some. Most of my neighbors would be proud of you as long as you practiced good gun safety.
Good looking collection so far! Reminds me of my collection. Most of the members on this forum site are a little bit on the older side and appreciate the more old school guns more than the newer stuff, as you already saw from one comment haha (no hate lamarw, I also appreciate revolvers :)). Judging from what you have and at your age, I'm assuming you're not married yet. Keep up the collection before you do get married! Finances tend to go elsewhere after that happens.
Yes I am older, but nice start. I do recommend caution on posting to much information on your collection and avoid pictures of serial numbers. Enjoy collecting what you like.
I had a friend come over with his teenage boy and they asked me to open up the gun safes. His eyes passed over beautiful family heirlooms, and settled instantly on the EBRs and the plastic pistols. There are Colts, Winchesters, and Brownings in there worth what all the modern pistols and rifles are worth put together, but he had zero interest in them. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, but I couldn't help feeling disappointed.

Even though I'm old my kid is young, and I'm gona raise him better than that!
Looks like a good start with some nice firearms especially for your age. The only negative is the lack of some nice older revolvers. (Start with S&W Models 36, 27, 28, 66, 5 or 686, 10, 19, and on and on)

You don't say where you live and why the folks there are disapointed in your small number of guns. Maybe they would also like to see you with a few shotguns and bolt action rifles.

Just joshing with you some. Most of my neighbors would be proud of you as long as you practiced good gun safety.

I've owned 1 shotgun & that was a KSG. I traded that away about 4 months ago.

I've never been into revolvers. I wouldn't mind a Chiappa Rhino, with a 4" barrel. I do have 1 bolt action that's not pictured & one lever action.

A lever action shotgun will be my next purchase.

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I had a friend come over with his teenage boy and they asked me to open up the gun safes. His eyes passed over beautiful family heirlooms, and settled instantly on the EBRs and the plastic pistols. There are Colts, Winchesters, and Brownings in there worth what all the modern pistols and rifles are worth put together, but he had zero interest in them. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, but I couldn't help feeling disappointed.

Even though I'm old my kid is young, and I'm gona raise him better than that!

I'll drool over a really nice lever action rifle, but yeah, I like the modern tactical stuff. I still play video games so those influenced some of my purchases.

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Good looking collection so far! Reminds me of my collection. Most of the members on this forum site are a little bit on the older side and appreciate the more old school guns more than the newer stuff, as you already saw from one comment haha (no hate lamarw, I also appreciate revolvers :)). Judging from what you have and at your age, I'm assuming you're not married yet. Keep up the collection before you do get married! Finances tend to go elsewhere after that happens.

Indeed... & no children either.

This wasn't explicitly stated... but I believe a girl I was dating started withdrawing herself from me once she found out I owned some firearms. She found a bullet in a jacket pocket. That led to lots of more questions and a disapproving look came to her face when she got her answers.

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This wasn't explicitly stated... but I believe a girl I was dating started withdrawing herself from me once she found out I owned some firearms. She found a bullet in a jacket pocket. That led to lots of more questions and a disapproving look came to her face when she got her answers.
Sorry to hear, but it's good that happened from my point of view. If you have a hobby you're really into and somebody you're dating won't even tolerate it enough to stick around, then on to the next dating prospect. I won't have anybody change who I am. Better you two discovered that she doesn't like that sort of thing before it got more serious. You may or may not find a gal who is into guns, but there are a lot of women who can at least understand the concept of "boys and their toys". My wife isn't into guns as much as I am, but she does like shooting every so often and has guns of her own. She jokingly gives me the rolling eye when I'm at my gun bench working on a new project, but she knows it's who I am and what I love to do.

Seperate note, how do you like that Bren? I have a SCAR 17 as well and kept hearing good things about the Bren when compared to the SCAR 16.
Sorry to hear, but it's good that happened from my point of view. If you have a hobby you're really into and somebody you're dating won't even tolerate it enough to stick around, then on to the next dating prospect. I won't have anybody change who I am. Better you two discovered that she doesn't like that sort of thing before it got more serious. You may or may not find a gal who is into guns, but there are a lot of women who can at least understand the concept of "boys and their toys". My wife isn't into guns as much as I am, but she does like shooting every so often and has guns of her own. She jokingly gives me the rolling eye when I'm at my gun bench working on a new project, but she knows it's who I am and what I love to do.

Seperate note, how do you like that Bren? I have a SCAR 17 as well and kept hearing good things about the Bren when compared to the SCAR 16.

It came down to the Scar 16, XCR, & Bren.
I did want a big brother little brother FNH combo but actually chose the XCR originally over the other 2... until I heard and read that it does not like steel cased ammo. That's a deal breaker for me. Since I'm a CZ fan boy I went with what I knew.

The only complaint is (& it's hypocritical for me to say this since I love AKs as well) that it has not bolt release. I think that's a must have on a newer rifle.

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Unfortunately where I live, most friends, acquaintances, & people my age are a little... disturbed to find out you own a firearm. Not sure how many would react if they found out I had 20+

Find new friends ??????.

Nice collection by the way.
My Gun Collection
I'm only 25 & caught have on to this hobby quickly.

Looks like the collection of a 25 year old firearm enthusiast. Everything auto-loading and nothing really hunting orientated. Not that there is anything wrong with that, seems to be the trend in this country anymore. Back when I was 25, most anyone that owned firearms, was not without some kind of shotgun and a designated deer rifle/slug gun. Having more than one handgun in the household was rare.

Good looking collection. Take good care of it, and shoot safe. Don't be afraid to go outside your personal box and try different platforms. Kinda adds to the fun.
Find new friends 😀.

Nice collection by the way.

I've caused a stir before...

I got pulled over before & let the officer know I was headed to the range and that I had firearms in the car. I didn't know the exact number [emoji849]

That stop ended up being 45+ min long. Me sitting on the side of the road, while 4 other cop cars, & one under cover car pulled up.

"Why do you have all these?"

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Looks like the collection of a 25 year old firearm enthusiast. Everything auto-loading and nothing really hunting orientated. Not that there is anything wrong with that, seems to be the trend in this country anymore. Back when I was 25, most anyone that owned firearms, was not without some kind of shotgun and a designated deer rifle/slug gun. Having more than one handgun in the household was rare.

Good looking collection. Take good care of it, and shoot safe. Don't be afraid to go outside your personal box and try different platforms. Kinda adds to the fun.

I had a lever action rifle traded off... that was & a 32 acp pistol were the only ones I regret getting rid of til this day. I had a Remington 870 & KSG at one point. Both are gone.

One of my dream guns is a FNH Ballista.
I'll take that as my designated deer rifle.

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How about letting us know the State you live in. I want to stay the heck away from there. Did you grant them permission to search your vehicle? If not, did law enforcement obtain a legal search warrant? What was the outcome?

I say the above assuming the police stop was a minor traffic violation.
That really is a nice variety of quality firearms, especially for a young fellow living in the environment you mention. I always appreciated my parents moving from Chicago to the Southwest back when I was very young. Otherwise I might have grown up with a much different attitude about firearms and many other issues. Unfortunately, it seems there are more and more people disapproving of firearm ownership everywhere. Thankfully, out here in the "Wild West" it has not yet risen to the level you describe as a result of a traffic stop....

BTW, back when I was still gainfully employed, I stopped quite a few people who were armed. Never had an issue just due to their being armed. Unless there were other issues, no back up units were required.