My first "What if..."


What if...

Gee Dubya somehow finds a way to implement his nationwide "martial law" scheme (or regional quarantine) and gun confiscation goes into effect?

Do you hide your guns when the searches start?

Do you hide your "must have" SHTF guns now before something like that happens?

Do you go out in a blaze of leaded glory when he gets Janet Reno and Dianne Feinstein to help with weapons confiscation?

And what do you do to undo the martial law status in your area?

Or do you join the sheeple...?:barf:
There are far too many reasons why that will not happen, . . . suffice to say that there isn't enough time left to get it done on his watch, . . .

But if the wicked witch of Arkansas gets in, . . . better get your hole dug, . . . JIC.

May God bless,

A woman's place is in the house, . . . but not the White House.
well i dont see this happening in my lifetime, or for that matter ever. but if it did happen all i can say is it would suck to have the job of rounding up guns, especially when they knock on my door., i would win
#4. im not giving away plan.
I am 37, I should have at least another 37 to go (I doubt it) and I know that anything can happen.

What if this happens.

Well, I guess that I won't see the next birthday that I would have had around that time.

Hey, better than cancer and disease isn't it.

And no, not internet blustering. I know of only one absolute in life, and that is death. I've made my peace (but I haven't learned how to spell) and if the time comes, then I know that I will be taken care of on another realm that is not of the earth.

What if...

Gee Dubya somehow finds a way to implement his nationwide "martial law" scheme (or regional quarantine) and gun confiscation goes into effect?

Do you hide your guns when the searches start?

Do you hide your "must have" SHTF guns now before something like that happens?

Do you go out in a blaze of leaded glory when he gets Janet Reno and Dianne Feinstein to help with weapons confiscation?

And what do you do to undo the martial law status in your area?

Or do you join the sheeple...?

Wow. You are a freak.
I don't think it is very unrealistic.

The media is making a big hype of this bird flu that supposedly if it mutates correctly will kill millions worldwide.

Bush made an off the cuff comment last week about looking into using military for policing and quarantine of large parts of the country in the event the bird flu came to the US.

In the meantime, millions worldwide = maybe 25,000 very old, already sick, and very young in the US. Africa, South America and SE Asia may be hit hard, but not us. We are too healthy over all as a country.

But, Bush has presented it and Dianne Feinstein seconded it in Congress the other day.

It could be the next bipartisan breach of civil rights to accompany the patriot act, the suspension of habeus corpus, the brady bill, the AWB in 1994, the NFA of 1986, the machine gun act in the 30's.

Keep an ear to the ground when Congress gets ready to address this issue of Federal Preparedness for emergencies. Listen for suspension of posse cometatus.

But, tactically (since this is the Tactical Forum), what do you do?

Accept it? Attempt to dodge it somehow? Or is this then the time to fight?
He asked for your thoughts, not your opinions on him as a person.

"Freak" is a personal attack. Unless you were talking of yourself, then that should be okay.

If you wish to play, then answer the thought given, don't sit there and throw stones, it's getting rather boring to have to read such things when a member asks a question or set's up a "what if".


freak: A thing or occurrence that is markedly unusual or irregular

How can it be personal, if I have never met him. A statement such as his was abnormal. 2700 posts, I guess that makes you the forum police? If you don't like peoples responses, maybe you should spend a little less time on the computer.
Freak sounds like a personal attack to me, too.

TFL is one of the more respectable firearms forums out there. Wayne is just trying to keep it that way. If you don't have anything to add to the discussion other than calling someone a freak and starting arguments, it might be a better idea to click the "back" button and move to the next thread.

BTW, a personal attack does not imply that you've met the person.
How can it be personal, if I have never met him. A statement such as his was abnormal. 2700 posts, I guess that makes you the forum police?......

Why does this smell like a troll? If you are truly not a troll I apologize for saying so but your words seem to follow the script of a troll.

Set up an attack. Respond with "I did not", "I never", or some other words to that effect and immediately riposte with more "button pushing" inflamatory words in an attempt to create the illusion of being victimized when those who are insulted respond to the attack.

If you are not a troll you should learn some etiquette and refrain from following the script.
Car freak, boat freak, knitting freak, gun freak. Take it how you want, it was an observation, not an attack. Now, if I said he was an idiot, that is a different story. Maybe I should use one of those smiley face thingys so others don't get all defensive.
First of all, azredhawk44, sorry your thread is getting derailed.

...learn some etiquette and refrain from following the script.

What are you talking about? Since when are opinions and ideas bad etiquette? When you don't like them? Where can I find this "script" so I don't fall victim to the infamous status of a troll?

Name-calling, I learned from Mrs. Smitha in first grade, is bad manners. But this kind of special pleading:

"The media is making a big hype of this bird flu that supposedly if it mutates correctly will kill millions worldwide.

Bush made an off the cuff comment last week about looking into using military for policing and quarantine of large parts of the country in the event the bird flu came to the US.

In the meantime, millions worldwide = maybe 25,000 very old, already sick, and very young in the US. Africa, South America and SE Asia may be hit hard, but not us. We are too healthy over all as a country.

But, Bush has presented it and Dianne Feinstein seconded it in Congress the other day." total rubbish. A front-loaded assumption, selective "evidence" that seems to provide support, leading one to conclude that the original assumption is legitimate is bad manners too--not to mention out of place in "one of the more respectable forums out there".

...gotta go now to purchase more silver. The Masons, after more than three hundred years (or is it four?) of planning, will soon bring about a crisis in the
international money supply!
"A woman's place is in the house"

What if God decides to bless those who can understand that a woman's place is not just in the house but any place she chooses to be whether is a red, white or blue house or even a kennel ?

This post refers to # 3 above; I'm just slow with computers, sorry.
Doubt that would happen, but if it did I am quite confident that a lot of 'boating accidents' would suddenly start to be reported.
Bury the guns in th backyard in several places, deep then bury random car parts a little shallower all over the front and back yard so when they bring the metal detectors they will get bored of digging up lugnuts and valvecovers all day.
I can understand "what if" threads even if they are somewhat... imaginative. That's the fun of it. I myself spend a significant amount of time and energy preparing for things that probably won't happen to me, so I can relate. I'm going to suspend my disbelief and answer the original poster's question as to what I would do and why, if such a situation ever occurred.

If any part of the U.S. Government, by its actions, ever revoked one or more of our Constitutional rights as U.S. citizens, then I would not recognize the parties carrying out those actions as members of the true U.S. Government any more than I would recognize a malignant tumor as a part of a human being's original genetic structure. When America is no longer recognizable as America, that's when we all ought to take up arms.

Martial law my @$$. I'd hide the guns if I could, and barring that, I'd fight to protect my right to have them, and I'd die making a huge point. Of course, my motives would be predominantly overlooked and I'd go down in the eyes of the general public as just another raging madman, because I would most likely not be alive to tell people why I did what I did. And if I somehow survived to convey the reasons for my actions (in handcuffs or a hospital, for instance), I'm sure my words would fall on utterly deaf ears. The media's just too liberal. :(

I'm quite serious.
For the original thread:

They would have to get the entire military to support the commands given and there would be a few (more than a few sadly) that will carry out their orders without question.

But I don't think that you would get the majority of the military to do so.

You have to remember that the entire federal force out there (excluding the military) is very small in relation to the population in general. The only reason that they can control us and keep us in fear of them is due to they make selective, single targets and then attack. All the rest of us do is watch it unfold on tv, grip the arms of our armchairs and say, "I would never allow that" or "I would do this, or I would do that".

Then take the last gulp of coffee, get into our cars and goto work. Then after it's all over we would hit the boards and "Monday night quarterback" what we would've done if that would have been us.

Knowing full well that we would have done nothing of the sort. If we had done something, we would have been in our cars not going to work but to help the people being prosecuted and murdered.

They know that we will stand-alone and that others will just stay out of it. Since they know this simple fact, they know that they have all the time in the world to get to where they wish to go.

And even if you do survive, you wouldn't have enough money, not even if you had the entire wealth of the 5 riches people in the world, to fight the US government, who has an unlimited supply of money.

Not only that but you would have the media against you, regurgitating everything that they are fed to demonize the person or persons. Using such terms as child molesters, drug dealers, cult, machine guns, and freaks.

You have to remember that warfare is 80% mental, and only 20% physical. Turn the people against the person, and you've already won the war.
