My first successful deer hunt


New member
As the title says I got my first deer ever today. Ashamed to say that at 46 y/o. This is only my third season hunting deer. Got a small spike buck. I am a happy camper.

The shot was only 60 yards but had to thread it through a gap of only 15" between the trees. The deer ran about 40 yards all down hill and piled up. The family will be eating good for awhile.
Nice job! Nothing to be ashamed of at all!
Well, unless you have been trying for the past 40 years!
I know guys your age that have never shot a deer and hunted for 20 years. As mentioned sounds like you made a heck of a shot. Nice job.

Now it's time to remind you of one of the unwritten rules of the TFL:

Show us a picture of the beast or it didn't happen.......:D
Don't see a thing to be ashamed of.

Never to late to start.

Good shootin and enjoy your bounty.

FWIW, There are some really tasty venison recipes in the 'sticky' thread started by the late Brent(aka. hogdogs) at the top of this forum page. ;)
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I grew up in a family full of deer hunters. Didn't go myself until I was 34. Work. School. Divorce. Being broke... it'll eat some years. :D
My first deer was at age 28,

which is pretty bad for a born and raised Texan.

Then, to add insult to injury, I had to go to Oklahoma to shoot a deer. Like there weren't any deer in Texas for me to hunt.

This morning I am heading out to Bannister WMA, Angelina Natl Forest, east of Lufkin, TX, to continue the pursuit!;)

A cold front is coming thru, with high 20's expected by tomorrow morning. Makes my neck swell, just thinking about it!:D
Congrats! Don't be ashamed that you didn't get one until 46.

Just tell the haters you "were waiting for a shooter!"

That seems to give a free pass on most hunting TV shows.

Grats! I love to read stories about people getting there first deer.

Like many here I have gone through times where I did not hunt. I was more concerned with my (at the time) young family. Had to take care of the wife and the kids. Now I am not saying I did not go hunting at all but it was rare and usually consisted of "harvesting" a deer near my home ever few years. It wasn't until my oldest son got old enough to hunt that I got back in to it.

I did not know how much I missed it. Some thing about hunting with your own family that really adds to the experience. At least for me.
It's Never/ Ever!! too late to start hunting. And threading a bullet thru tree limbs you say. I'll bet got that got the old pump-a-thump'in? 40-yrds is a fair distance to track. You did good. {a heck of allot better than a few fellows I know that have been hunting for years & years.} a Spike to boot. Hey that deserves congrats. Especially from this end of the web site. S/S :)
Congrats on your first deer!!!!! I am 51 and killed a management doe on Monday and it was just as exciting as my first when I was 12 years old. To me every deer is a hard earned trophy whether it's a spike or a doe. Congrats and good eating. Don't get to wrapped up in the horn fetish unless trophy's are your goal. Enjoy your time in the woods first and foremost and try to introduce a kid or somebody new to the sport of hunting or shooting.

As the title says I got my first deer ever today. Ashamed to say that at 46 y/o. This is only my third season hunting deer. Got a small spike buck. I am a happy camper.

why be ashamed? I'm 41 and still haven't had the opportunity to go hunting. I say enjoy it while you can, and if you don't get a buck then no biggie.