My first SBS SxS project


New member

Pics are still being uploaded now.

This 12 gauge started life as an 18" Jing An Chinese shotgun (yeah, never heard of it either), they're imported by CAI as well (cheap AKs and whatnot).


Efiled an F1 and 5 months, 21 days later it was approved so the cutting (hacking) could begin.





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Not to throw water on your party but are those barrels really 10", if so and in the US its is illegal unless you have it registered as such and also have the stamp for it? Best to be safe and legal.
You do know that this is the NFA sub-forum, right?

There's always that one guy that is so concerned with your tax stamps lol.

Uncle Sam already accepted my $200 "bribe." :D

Please edit in an introduction to your video. Just putting up a link is called drive-by posting and is not allowed on this forum. And while the rule literally refers to "cut and paste drive-by" posts and your's is not cut-and-paste, all link-only posts are treated the same way in practice.

Thanks for your cooperation.
Pics were still being uploaded but are now complete.

9x19: Wow, his looks great, unlike my cheap budget build gun lol.


Yeah it's still a work in progress, also still want to sand and shape the stock some more. I was thinking silver solder for the muzzle.
For your muzzle-take a needle file and brighten the metal inside the rib and on the barrels. Then, stuff some steel wool down into the hole. Using a torch, heat regular lead solder and drip it into the hole until it is slightly over-full. Then, play the torch lightly on the muzzle until the solder just starts to flow. Remove heat immediately. DO NOT USE FLUX!
File excess solder flat/flush.
If you can't do this, use the JB Weld.
Reinstall the front sight.

I still have the stock for my gun, but it sure looks strange with a stock and 10" barrels.
Thanks, Bill.

Yeah I was inspired by Mad Max, always wanted one and finally had an opportunity to make one for cheap; it's a fun range toy.
That'll be a fun little thumper. Silver solder will be best as it will keep the center rib from coming loose when its fired. If that cold blue wears off do a deep layer of browning, applied warm/hot, then a few layers of cold blue. Will last alot longer.
Do not use high temperature silver solder to fill the gap!
The ribs/barrels are silver soldered together, and the joints will fail.

There is a low temperature solder that is actually called silver-bearing solder. It contains about 4% silver and melts around 400 degrees. It would be sufficient, but is not necessary for this job.
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Is filling the gap necessary other than for aesthetics? I fired 100 shells through the gun the other night, back to back. No signs of separation. I doubt I'll even put that many shots through it again.
Yes. Most SxSs are held together via solder down the tubes and center rail and some sort of plug at the end. Much easier to do it now instead of trying to fix a pile of parts with a 200 stamp.
It's not necessary, but why not complete the job?
Simply filling the gap and installing a front bead will make it look finished for not very much trouble.
Is filling the gap necessary other than for aesthetics? I fired 100 shells through the gun the other night, back to back. No signs of separation. I doubt I'll even put that many shots through it again.

Yes, it is necessary, especially to keep moisture (and the subsequent rusting) from happening. Looking at your closeup, I also see the inside of the foreend could use something to seal it and keep moisture from it as well.