My first RCBS mold


New member
This is the 2-cav RCBS 38-162-SWC.
I didn't really need another 162gr SWC, but it was a good deal and it came with RCBS handles, which I did want. :)
Anyway, it does look like it'll be fun, and it sure casts easily. They just fall out of it.
;) Whatthe heck kind of lube is that? Evidently I haven't been paying attention lately, because I ain't never seen a lube like that.
Thanks for the link, guys. That's the damndest thing I ever saw. It sure makes some pretty bullets though.

Does it stand up to rifle velocities? Like in the .30-30 at 2200 fps? With the polymer on the bullet do we still need a gas check?
I have not shot my .30-30 over/through;) my chrony yet.
Can't tell you the limits of that.

Some of the guys on castboolits claim they are shooting their .308s and .30-06s at 2500 gas checked. But you'd have to read some of those threads. I don't have a .308 or '06 so I don't follow all of the testing that is going on. This is a brand new discovery and so there are not any really definitive threads that have been condensed yet. You just have to dig through a lot of people's experiences right now. Some are thinking this is a process that can reliably replace sticky lubes for all bullets, and some think it has limits to handgun bullets. We'll find out soon. :)
Can't give you much on velocity or pressure limits yet, but I can say it runs very clean in the bore. Also, here is a photo of two separate accuracy tests out of my .40 S&W comparing same bullet, same load, 20 yards--powder coat on the right, LLA on the left. Two separate tests weeks apart--same results both times.

Hey there PawPaw that stuff sure has turned into a in the works trial for sure. From what I have read on it, it appears to be really good juju. Next best thing to come along since smokeless powder if you believe all the post on it.

I have not shot my .30-30 over/through my chrony yet.
Can't tell you the limits of that.

Ol Beagle though, I'm not so sure bout him and his candy coated boolits. I see hundreds of them all prettied up, but I think once he gets them all gussied up he don't want to ruin the finish on em. Sort of like when a gal gets her nails all done up she don't want to do anything that might chip em. :eek:

I really think he is posting up the same ones time and time again to see how long its going to take for me to drop the hammer on the equipment. I keep tellin him I hardly have room for the stuff I already have, much less adding in a compressor and paint and cure booth. :D

I DO have to say though his picture takin has gotten to be superb over the past couple of months.

Seriously he is following the new wave of lubing. Who knows in 5 or so years that ol lubesizer might be up for sale as an antique on evilbay. We could post it up as "VINTAGE" and double our money on it. Maybe then I could afford to do the powder coating thingy. Till then though I'll just keep on with the Carnuba Red and 45/45/10 and the ones at a time shove em in and pop em out.
I see hundreds of them all prettied up, but I think once he gets them all gussied up he don't want to ruin the finish on em.
I really think he is posting up the same ones time and time again to see how long its going to take for me to drop the hammer on the equipment.

One of these days I might post some pics of the nice glass eternal storage cabinets that I have made to keep the dust off em between photo sessions! :p

I haven't given up on the sticky lubes yet. Matter-of-fact, I got a nice "gently-used-by-a-gramma-who-didn't-stick-with-casting-for-long" Lyman 45 in the mail somewhere heading this way right now! :D