My First M1895 Nagant - 1944 Izhevsk


New member
1944 Izhevsk M1895 Nagant Pistol.

I have been wanting one of these for years, finally came across what seems to be a good deal on a pristine example. I liked that it was a WWII vintage Izhevsk, every single sample I have ever seen seems to be a 1930s Tula. Anyone know what the alpha and numeral stamped up on the barrel means? It looks like C2 or C7 and on the other side is a tiny Izhevsk stamp and something else that looks like the Izhevsk stamp over a number? My point and shoot doesn't do real macro so couldn't get a super clear shot of these.

This one has the Bakelite grips, which I think look better and it looks as if this one was rarely, if ever shot, the bore looks like a brand new gun. It's weird, with my Mosins and others, I throw all of the accessories in a big pile, they really don't interest me past a cursory examination when I first buy the gun. But this pistol came with some cool accessories, the screwdriver, cleaning rod, lanyard and the holster has a different colored border than most I have seen.

Anyone reload for this gun? The crimp seems really weird. I also scored 50 rounds of Prvi brass ammo and some corrosive surplus. What the heck is up with the firing pin, a swiveling firing pin? How strange.





