My first deer hunt

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I hunt in Hampton, Ar in a very wooded area. This was my first deer hunt ever. I was shooting a M1 Garand in .308 open sight. My hunting buddy set me up by a feeder next to a small pond. The electronic feeder scared me every time it went off, but obvioulsy did not harm the deer. It actually was the dinner bell for local whitetail. It was cold and even colder since I sat down in a puddle of water that was in my ladder stand(it was dark when i climed up). I watched the sun raise her beautiful smile and cast down her blessing on me. I was very sleepy. I caught myself nodding at times. It wasnt 45 min when i was awakened( yeah I was sleep) by the sound of crackling leaves. I looked up and a small doe was steering right at me. I didn't want to move, was afraid she might hi tail it away. So i sat looking right back at her. She finally went right back to eating the corn. I raised my M1, put the front sight exactly where my hunting buddy exclaimed would be a for sure kill zone( the front shoulder) and BOOOOMMMMM. The deer until this day never knew what hit her. This being my first hunt/kill it was a pretty nasty sight. The deers chest was lying next to her. She was no more than 20 yards away. I sat there looking at the deer in aw. Then another doe came trotting along. She was about 30 yards away. Me being a young ignorant hunter wasted her too with a gut shot that spilled all of her eaten corn. My hunting buddy returned only to find to slaughtered does. He made mention that I only had a tag for one doe and that we could get in lots of trouble. So we loaded the three deer( he killed a doe also) on the four wheeler and hauled ass. This was some first time hunt. I know better now after hunting for now some three seasons without killing a single animal, but i guess its the deer god for taking a illegal doe

"nothing better in life than friends, family, and the outdoors"
I am dead serious. Actually the Garand is my Fathers. His brother is a veteran and the gun was handed down to my father. This hunt happened in fall 2003 . I had to beg my father the entire year to let me use it. That was the only way i would have went hunting, otherwise i didnt have a gun. Believe me my father cherishes this rifle
DU = Democratic Underground

Don't see why people wouldn't believe this. He was pretty clear it was his first hunt and he had limited knowledge about what to do. Plus, he seems somewhat regretful it happened.

Frankly, around here, they can't get enough people to shoot does as it is. Not sure about the rules in Arkansas (and where he was) but if it was private property this may not have been poaching at all.
There were M1s reworked to chamber and work with the .308 for the U.S. Navy IIRC. And in recent years some commercially produced versions too I believe.
In Texas, it is against the law to poach whether public land or private. We all make mistakes, and they can easily happen in the field.It just seems a little weird to me to post this abortion of a hunt in that dramatic storytelling fashion.Trying to get a reaction? Or just sharing a sad hunting tale.Very strange post anyway.
Checking his other posts, I'm inclined to think he's not a troll... just a highly untrainned first time hunter who didn't know much of what to expect or do. :rolleyes:

Most unfortunate - in my state you'd have served jail time and gotten a hefty fine for shooting that second deer. Learn from the experience, study the game laws where you hunt and abide by them religiously. Find someone who will actually teach you what to do and expect - your buddy seems to fall short in the hunter mentoring department.

The close up view of the deer's wound - what did you think would happen? A gunshot wound is not pretty, but it is a very effective way to make a clean and quick kill of a game animal. Next time you'll be more prepared and careful of your shot placement.

One good thing - at least your buddy took all the animals and used them - I hate to see deer go to waste. That at least showed a little bit of morals on his part if not an overly developed intellectual side - hope he learned to do things better too.

Keep working on it - good hunters were not made in a season.
I admit it was my first hunt. I have learned a lot since that hunt. I have hunted whitetail again and did not see anything. I know I would have been experienced enough to wait on the perfect shot but if one is not presented she walks. As far as my marksmenship I think it is very good, it was a perfect shot just not a good bullet selection. If the deer would have been 100yds instead 20 yds it would still have been a perfect shot, because it was quick and very humane, just a bit messy. My hunting buddy did a great job of letting me know that it was an illegal kill, He could have not told me and congratulated me on a mistake.It was private land, but it belonged to my hunting club(HAWK MOORE HUNTING CLUB)
I agree. I was presumptuous (I checked the posts too). Cwalk - ya ought to try birds. A lot of walking, but a lot more fun IMHO.
Dude......... you messed up

Well, let me congratulate you right up to the point of taking doe number 2. You spoiled the whole damn story as soon as you went brain dead and pulled the trigger the second time. Law is law and unless your above the law? you are a poacher....plain and simple. I hope it rides on your mind and bugs you to the point that you read the rules and hunt by them from now on... The anti hunting and anti gun folks get fuel from folks like yourself....please understand the importance of a hunting community and it's ability to police itself too. You are free to think I am a real a**hole for the tongue lashing I just gave you. Honestly you asked for it by your posting of your breaking the law. Remember we are humans and have a big edge on the animals of this earth. Laws of fair chase are for good reason..... You put your friend in a real pickle too....had you guys been caught on the way out of the woods you both would have been in equal dudu........

Make it and live it as it was.......a hard lesson learned........ No more mistakes like that one mister........... OK, you may return to normal the lashing is over.....

PS.... In my state, as I think true most places, even if your on your own land you have to follow the game laws of your state of residence. In Michigan our DNR LEO's have the right to come on any land if they have reason to think laws are broken.... I hear in some issues they have more power than the regular state police for entering private property. In some poaching cases the suspect lost vehicle, rifle, and right to hunt for a number of years. A large fine is also collected from the guilty party. Just isn't worth the loss not to mention the lashing by responsible hunters...... OK, call me what you will........ ;)
Websters own:

Poacher: Person whom takes anything by unfair or illegal methods.... many other items explain the word.... but that sentence sums it up for your question..... ;)
Thanks. Now I know and knowing is half the battle. See, Im becoming a better hunter everyday, becuase hunting is more than just killing. Its respecting Gods country. I dont know how the hunting scenarios are in Michigan( im sure you guys have lots of hunting land :barf: ) Big ole Michigan
The hunt club land is NOT your land. They probably lease it, but not necessarily. Hunting is not about "killing". It is about sportsmanship, the chase, and the reward of bagging your quarry in a legal sporting manner. You may get the wrong idea about hunting simply by watching the TV shows about hunting. If I had seen you take the second deer, I would have called the warden. A great lesson in reality.

Frankly, the Garand may be legal in Arkansas, but you might want to consider another weapon that is more traditional.
In Texas if you were caught with that 2nd deer you would have lost the Garand :eek: and have gotten some fines and lost your right to hunt. In Texas we have a tag that you can tag a deer with for the low income or people needing assistance. But it needs to be taged when you kill the deer. You can't wait for the game warden to say hay what about this deer. The game warden can come over to your house any time day or night to check for illegal game without a warrant. Best thing to do is play it safe and play by the rules.

As far as I know the Garand chambered in 308 was only used for the U.S. Navy and it was a 30-06 with an insert in the chamber so the 308 would headspace correctly. If it is one of these gun it is a rare gun. I have never seen one but I'm not a Garand expert. I would say the gun is worth at least several thousand dollars? Now if you lost that gun because of that 2nd deer :eek: They make new Garands chambered in 308 that start at about $1000.
They make new Garands chambered in 308 that start at about $1000.
Um, they can be found cheaper.

The Navy block is pretty common, and only requires a broken shell extractor to remove. Not exactly new technology-- they're about half a century old. ;)

Mr. Cwalk, it's worth respecting your game enough to speak more reverently of it and to learn the laws on taking it.
As far as the police, by the time they new what went on, we were in the house eating deer steaks, rice,and gravy.
Not feeling a whole lot of remorse from 'ol poacher boy! Dude, you should not be allowed to ever hunt again. Your the worst kind of idiot!I hope theres a game warden from your state reading this right now .Maybe they can still prosecute.I'm gonna check your profile now.Maybe theres enough info for me to turn you in personally.
lock it up - why?

twycross.............. I agree it wasn't a good start and now he is getting a verbal beating........and it should be locked up why???? seems on target to me....and at this moment I am sure a few moderators have seen it and still think it's on topic too.....
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