My first hang me.


New member
It was a 1911 military. Had "US property" on it so I felt special gettin sumpin from da gummint.
I was 19. It was 1959.
First, naturally, I had it reblued so it would be shiny and nice. Then...I took off those rough old grips and took some sandpaper and got rid of all those diamonds and all that rough checkering. Then I swabbed it down good with varnish so it was as shiny as the gun.
Now we all know how good front strap stippling is, so I chucked it up in a vise and started in with a center punch. That's when I found out that taking the grips off first would prevent the few whacks that slipped and gouged the new shiny handles.
But it was still loose. Anyone know how tight a vise can squeeze a slide? I do.
But, it still shot. Fairly good, too.
I finally sold it or something.
Anyone want any custom work? :)
Yeah, when I was in the military I could have brought home a couple 1911's every time I had leave. But they were big, loose, heavy and didn't shoot worth a damn . . .

Hahahaha! :D

More than one collector has come across a gun just as you describe, and shed a silent tear!

'course I never did, and still don't, understand how a "Quality" refurb lessens a gun's value. It sure helps out with cars, furniture, etc. {shrug}

Perhaps I'm just missing that nostalgic bone that others bear. :D

Make mine lean, mean, and 9x19!

BTW: How do you handle it, when the wife starts yelling about the dings and scratches on the KITCHEN TABLE?!!?

