My felony expunged, but delayed?

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Hello everyone. I know this has been posted but still would like any information or people with experience. I had a drug possession felony from 2003. I had it expunged with a lawyer and through the court over a year ago. I made my first purchase and was delayed. Is this normal? I have lived in the same place for 7 years, but have had multiple addresses in the past, maybe that is why?

My mother also works at the county jail in the city in which I had my charge. After the expungment, she ran my name at the jail (as they do with all incoming inmates do be sure that they are not wanted anywhere else, etc) and she said nothing showed up. I was told that expunged is like it never happened, and even if the FBI can see that expungment, it shows as NOT being a conviction. Should I be worried? I mean, I Will appeal if I do get denied but praying that I do not.
First of all, welcome to TFL! I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, but I'm going to give you the only responsible advice we can give here:

Go talk to a lawyer.

I know that posting on TFL may seem like a good, cheap way to get help with your situation, but it's not generally a good idea to go posting the intimate details about that situation on the internet. What you discuss with your lawyer is confidential. What you post here is not. Also, while we here at TFL are a good-natured and well-meaning bunch, few if any of us are licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction.

Good luck.

And with that, closed.
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