My daughter gets the neatest field trip


New member
This Fri. my 9 year old daughter is attending a school field trip called "Enjoying the Outdoors" at a nearby state rec area. 4 sessions are scheduled to teach the kids a little bit about:
A; Fishing and boating safety, basic fishing, fish id, lures, presentation, and cleaning.
B; Hunting and trap shooting, habitat, species, equipment, methods, id, prep and cooking.
C; Beginning archery, equipment, target shooting, hunting
D; Waterfowl hunting, locating, decoys, calling.
I want to skip work and go with her so bad that it would almost be worth listening to a bunch of 4th graders honking away on the duck calls. ;) There will be lots of demonstrations, a large fish tank with many types of fish, a bunch of huntin dogs, a large teepee, lunch and a snack.
This is being put on by the Nebraska Game &Parks Commission, with certified hunting safety and aquatic instructors. Other sponsors are Berkley, Cabelas, Coleman, Ducks Unlimited, Innotek (will bring dogs and training equipment for demos), Lays Potato Chips, Pheasants Forever, the local Natural Resource District, and the Pepsi Bottling of Norfolk(local distributor).
It is great to see so many people getting involved in helping teach our kids about some basic American ways of life, and not the liberal save everything crap that you come to expect from education in this country. If you get a chance, thank some of the companies that make it possible, I know I can't thank them enough.

[This message has been edited by bergie (edited September 20, 1999).]
Wow...I'd love to go too! :)
What fun.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

What a treasure you have in your school district and in your Nebraska Parks and Wildlife/Fish and Game Dept. Find the other parents in your daughter's class and get them to join you in writing an enthusiastic letter of thanks to both the school board and the Neb. F&G/P&W. They probably get more complaints than thank-yous, and a little can go a ways!

Oh, yes, and contact your state congressman and/or senator and send your thanks. This stuff really is worthy of a slap on the back to someone, and a little feel-good is in order.

Too cool! Now why didn't I get to do stuff like this when I was a kid? :( ;)

Take the day off, bergie. You owe it to yourself and your daughter.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
Go. Excellant opportunity to "bond" better with your daughter. Besides, it's the kinda stuff all kids should do to broaden their horizen. There's more to life than playground sports (yuk) and hanging out at the Mall (more yuk - unless there's lots of gunshops there).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt