My Dad asked about his old 22

chris in va

New member
Dad asked me if I could look for a bolt for his Winchester model 67(?) single shot. Apparently these are in high demand as a guy offered his for $800.

Any help would be appreciated.
My Dad used to say " if you don't make the pass you have 0 chance of success " ! $800 seems just a tad high to me though , for a single shot .22 !
Ebang gun auction

Go to Ebang gun auction, search Winchester 67. several model 67 rifles for sale, ranging from 99 to 300 dollars. I don't know what it would take to switch out the bolt, but it beats the price of your dad's buddies'.
ebang bolt

As I was exiting Ebang i noticed there was one Bolt for sale for a model 67. wanted 105 dollars as buy now price. do your search in all catagories to include gun parts.