My cool new BROKEN S&W pistol !!!


My saga begins back in mid December when I purchased a brand new Smith & Wesson Scandium 360 (.357 magnum) from a local gun shop. A few days after I bought it I had some time to pull out my new toy & play with it, so I loaded up some A-Zoom snap caps and began to break it in with a few hundred dry fires. After about 50 or so “shots” I started to realize that something did not feel right, it was as if the DA pull between some cylinders were different than others. Upon closer visual examination of the pistol I noticed that there was a gouge on the front of the rear portion of the trigger guard, where the trigger was actually contacting the guard. I also noticed that the trigger was offset (bent) to one side in relation to the frame and that one side of the trigger at the very bottom was actually outside of the guard.

The next day I contacted S&W and advised them of the problem, at which time they told me they would send me a Fed Ex return label and to ship it back to them and they would fix the gun. I told them that if all they were going to send me was the label I would give them my work address which turned out to be a big mistake. Before I even received the label I began to get all sort of catalogues from sporting goods companies and probably every handout and catalogue that S&W makes (most were out of date though-go figure). I was not a very happy camper not only from the standpoint of not even getting the return address label before they sold my info to mailing lists, but also because this was my place of employment and not a private address.

So I eventually receive the label and send the pistol back along with a note politely telling them that if they don’t contact everyone they sold my name & address to that I would never by another S&W product. I also ask them to contact me before they do any work or send the pistol back, as I would like to find out about getting the pistol blacked out & have a high-viz sight installed as on there model 337PD & kit gun.
(I contacted S&W prior to my original purchase to find out if they had any intentions of making a PD version in .357 magnum with the hi-viz and was told they were not going to. Imagine my surprise when I saw that exact model on page 6 of their 2002 catalogue.)

About 2 weeks later my neighbor has a package for me! Inside I find my pistol blacked out with a red ramp installed. The engraving (I believe it’s done by laser) of the serial number, etc is offset from the original so all the numbers are sort of double image (like this wouldn’t give me trouble if I got stopped by a cop or had to go to court!). And the area behind the trigger guard where the gouge was looks as though someone went at with a Dremel tool, but the trigger was not contacting the guard anymore.

Now I should have sent the pistol back immediately but it’s now the end of January and between my disgust & frustration I thought I would suck it up and go try the thing out
I go to my local Wally world and buy 2 boxes of Winchester Win-Clean 125gr and head out.
After exactly 33 rounds the gun hangs up, I try to swing out the cylinder and find the only way I can get it open is to hit the cylinder against the heel of my left hand. I take it home & upon closer inspection find there is a crack in the frame just below the barrel. The yoke is bent & cracked. The locking pin is bent and stuck open. The trigger is again gouging the guard. And the cylinder has bent so much that it is contacting the rear of the barrel and also the lower rear portion of the frame.


See pic’s here

I contact S&W again and am told “Well that shouldn’t have happened – send it back to & we’ll take a look at it” I must say that the first two people I spoke to although not apologetic were respectful. But I called a third time the day I received the second Fed-Ex label and this guy was more or less a prick (sorry if I offend)! I tried to get a straight answer concerning what was going to be done once I sent it back and all he kept saying was “Send it back and we’ll take a look.” But this was only after he implied that it was my fault the gun broke ”Those gun’s were test fired 10’s of thousands of time before we released them and WE never had a problem.” & “Each gun is test fired before it leaves the factory so it couldn’t have broke that quickly.”

Well I’m sending the pistol off today AGAIN and can’t wait to see how they handle this!
Any guesses on what they’re going to do?
Any ideas on what you think they should do?
Also I plan on sending them a link to this post just for their review so feel free to let them know how you feel!
Ah, the newer, better, more politically correct S&W.

I'm so thoroughly UNimpressed with their current offerings that I'd be hard pressed to consider purchasing one even if the boycott wasn't an issue.
Perfectly legal, Navy Joe. Sending and receiving the gun back from repair or customization is spelled out within the relevant laws.

As to the damage apparent on your gun...I'm just speechless. I really hope they extend themselves to make this one right for you.:eek:
Sadly, your experience is not unique.

As to leavin it at neighbors, that is common. They ship with "adult signature required" on the shipper but do not specify that it should be left with "Adressee Only".

I have had them left with strangers. Never lost one yet but it can be interesting at times.

Sam.....ex Smith dealer.
I think I have the best solution...

Ruger SP-101...We virtually never have problems them. Triggers are adequate from the factory though any factory gun can probably be improved.

Not trying to be a smart-*** tho it probably seems so. I work in a gun shop part-time and quite honestly I can't believe the crap that people buy/put up with out of manufacturers, particularly semi-auto pistols.

We have a range where customers can try something out before buying. I just shot a well respected semi-auto last nite. Trigger honestly had maybe 1/2"+ of creep and terrible let-off. People still buy them in relatively large numbers and, of course, they get write-ups as a good buy in ________ (G&A, Handgunner, etc..... you fill in the blank).

We check another one that had a 13# trigger pull.

The thing I don't understand is I can buy a Savage rifle for $300. Triggers are terrible, but I put on an $80 aftermarket and shoot 3/4" groups. I can get a Remington rifle for $500 and have a 3/4" gun and adjustable trigger. I spend $500 on a pistol and have the worst of all worlds.

I'm still looking for the write-up listing a "poor buy". I'll frame it.
So much for the Scandium series of guns... :) I have to tell you, I haven't been hearing a lot good about S&W lately, and you sure didn't help!
The New S&W

Sorry to hear of your recent troubles and I hope they make good for it!
As far as S&W is concerned I have not been impressed with anything new from them in a long long time! I'm sorry but their quality is just not there anymore plus I feel they are now overpriced for what they have to offer.
I wouldn't buy another gun from them even if they were offering a two for one sale ;)
I'll take a good used vintage Smith anytime though ;)
It is a sad state of affairs indeed when S&W can no longer market a revolver which is reliable and of high quality. I've been buying, selling, owning and shooting S&W revolvers of various types since I began handgun shooting for 20 years and I still own a 681 L-frame 4", an N-frame 624 3" and that little 649 which goes everywhere with me. None of these will ever be sold, because their triggers are perfect, they don't break and they go BANG every time.

When I see what S&W is putting out these days, I just can't get excited about them. The trigger pulls stink, the finish is not good, the quality control is not there and the reliability of a time-proven weapons system (the S&W DA revolver) has been compromised.

I don't know much about the Ti and Sc revolvers made by Smith, but seems to me there is a point at which losing a few more ounces of weight is now breaking even with decreased reliability and longevity of the weapon. If you really need a lighter J-frame and don't want the slight extra weight of the stainless, try an Airweight. No, you can't shoot .357s endlessly out of an Airweight, but they work very well for their intended purpose (unless Smith is now screwing those up also).

Best of luck. It is my hope that Smith stands by their product and provides complete customer satisfaction to you in order to restore your faith in the weapon. If not, there are lots of used Smiths, Colts and Rugers on the market that will do just fine. Sorry that happened to you.

Crack in the frame? Betcha that S&W will make a new gun, stamp your old serial# on it and send it to you. I can't see any other fix than that.
Bastards owe you a new revolver.
Shame on 'em for letting something like that thru quality control!
I reckon the "new" Snivel & Whine really knows how to make Taurus look good!:rolleyes:
I quit buying new Smiths when the limeys bought 'em. I haven't seen anything lately to encourage my desires purchase a new Smith...
If they can't do better, they deserve to go under.
I love my old N frames, and have an old J frame that is nice.
All from back when they were an American company with pride in their product. :eek: God, what a concept!:D
I own 3 Smiths and have a 4th on the way. My 22S has been flawless, as has my .357 model 60. I had some problems with my titanium (barrelette came a little loose and had a crack in the crane), and S&W fixed both problems perfectly, free of charge (they paid shipping both ways, which neither Colt nor Kel-Tec did when I needed repair work on their guns), politely and quickly.

I traded the titanium on a scandium, and shot it tonight for the first time. It shot fine with .38's, but was really uncomfortable with full house .357's. I expected that, though. The nice thing is that I inspected the gun after firing, and it's AOK.

My 686 is on the way, and I'm very excited.
There was a company of the same name that used to manufacture the finest wheelguns on the planet. :(

Nowadays I'd just as soon buy a Ruger or Taurus.
I agree with swifter - they owe you a new gun! It is apalling to hear of such poor quality and lack of workmanship. I thought I had bad luck with new guns! Most of my bad luck experience has been with Ruger although I did have a 617 S&W which I ended up sending in several years ago.

However, I have to say I am very pleased with the last S&W I bought - a 629 44 Mag bought in 2000. The trigger is a little heavy at 4.25 lbs but the gun is superbly accurate. Have no regrets.
Don't know why I read these "My new post-agreement Smith & Wesson is a POS" threads.

Wait a minute.

Yes I do. ;)
You got a lemon there. I wonder if that particular gun was coming off the assembly line on a Friday where the workers may have been busy looking at the clock.

I would demand a new revolver from S&W.