My Continuing Education...

Don R

You know, my beliefs really drift toward the Libertarian. However, I am a Republican, I'm 30, that is 12 years in the GOP...

I did not know that a vote for Republicans was a vote for black Americans to be beaten or for their churches to be burned or blown up. I learn something new every day.

Who do I have to thank for this wonderful piece of information? According to the news, it is a message being put across by the Democratic Party of Missouri or Mississippi, I cannot remember which State, but I will remember tomorrow when I pull levers on people who not only want to relieve me of the terrible burden of Individual Rights and Responsibilities but my property as well, but they also endager my family with their vitriolic, hateful rhetoric, nonsense that could get my family shot at while going to the Polls tomorrow.

Think about it...

[This message has been edited by Don R (edited 11-02-98).]
It is a shame, the depths some will stoop to. These elitists, with the blood of those whose rights to self-defense they have restricted or removed, on their hands, have burdened our society with a modern-day version of slavery that is potentially even more destructive than the original American evil. Perhaps even sadder, are the Americans who knew better, who understood the freedoms outlined in the Constitution, but stood by and did nothing while our rights were sacked. They have blood on their hands as well. If any blood is to be on my hands, let it not be innocent.

Where I live there is no mention of that, but I see and hear on TV, Radio and newspapers that Republicans also hate children and wish them death and injury, they hate senior citizens and wish them death and starvation; and wish to arm all criminals with machine guns so as to turn the streets and schoolyards into slaughterhouses.

Comforting to realize that people who would inform me of this wish to take care of me and that I should trust them.
I voted today but was pretty underwhelmed. I can't seem to find a pro-choice (of all kinds)/pro-accountability/pro-personal responsibility/pro-gun, fiscally conservative, socially progressive, mind your own business, less government kind of politician. I can't get with the Republicans as long as they pander to the religious (sic) right, nor can I stomach the general feel-good impotent stupidity of the Democrats. If I had more time, I'd tell y'all how I realy feel, but 'hang 'em all and start over' makes a lot of sense to me. Vote early, vote often, (tongue firmly in cheek) M2

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited 11-03-98).]
I'm absolutely Pro-Life, Pro-Gun and Pro-Capital Punishment. Why do I bring this up? I would like to clarify my position so no one takes offense or has any misconceptions about me as I am so new here, I'm pink behind the ears...

My stance is, on any life, if you have to end it before its time, there should be a reason for it.

When my wife was pregnant, I was having a discussion about a abortion with a friend, and he was just so "educated," he told me a fetus, or a baby (your choice), is nothing but a mass of cells and has no purpose, "a mere tumor," until it breathes its' first breath.

The purpose of the fetus is life, people can use all the junk science in the world to condone the taking of it and they can use any excuse in the world that they can possibly dream up to ease their conscience. The fact remains, that groups of cells has a purpose and that purpose is the creation of a life.

The Abortion Advocates went before Congress and lied about the Partial Birth Abortion Procedure and its use in the United States, after tonight, we will have a ban on that very soon I believe.

Is there a time for it? Sure, there are times for everything. However, when it is used for birth control, it is 100% wrong and as far as I'm concerned, it should be banned for that purpose. There should be options for the more serious cases only and I think we all know what they are. It remains legal because it is the last weapon of radical feminists and it tears down a society and de-sensitizes them, that is why it is still around.

I will continue later after I get a good grilling.

I would take that as a joke, but it is not. I live in Maryland, I think I forgot to put that in my profile. Dead People vote for Democrats here Rob.

We have a couple Pro-Gun Congressmen from Maryland, Bob Ehrlich (don't quote me on the spelling) and another dude that I am ashamed to say, I cannot remember his name.

Today, there is a great fight going on here for Governor, Pro-Gun vs. Anti-Gun, BIG TIME.

If it were not for the support of the NRA, you would not be able to own a firearm in Maryland, I firmly believe that...
No grilling from me, Mike. My girlfriend of 3 years got pregnant (how'd that happen
) when we were both 18 years old. According to leftist logic, she should have had an abortion. We never even considered it. The result? Eleven happy years of marriage, two great kids, a dog, two cats, and a mortgage thrown in for good measure. Was it easy? Heck no. But we managed to survive. We made sacrifices along the way. We did what was needed to enable her to stay home at take care of the kids without having to work (gee, don't tell her I said she didn't work
) until they were both of school age. I hate to think of life without my son.

BTW, Mike, if our fearless leaders would go to the Lord in prayer - seeking His will - then we wouldn't have the sort of cynicism towards our government that exists now. They really would be the "Religious Right" then.

Kelly Yates
Hey Don, Too bad about Maryland. I have some friends still caught behind the lines there. I'm going in myself for the Grand National Waterfowl Hunt in Cambrige this year.
Is there any chance (dead voters aside) of getting some good men into office through the election this year?
Well, Senator, having just gone ten rounds on these issues on another gun site precipitated by some rather 'unchristian' comments about the murder of that doctor in upstate NY, what I learned is that neither side can prove its position, neither side is wrong or right, neither side will give in or quit, neither side will change its mind, so let us agree to disagree.

I will say, however, that you either believe in freedom of choice and free will, or you don't. It's not a selective proposition. We must all follow our conscience, but I don't get to make your choices, you don't get to make mine. In situations as described above, a little tolerence is in order. 'Nuff said. M2

There are a multitude of other websites for this topic...try CNN or MSNBC.

Not here...capishe?
Don R:

I trust then you voted, or will vote for Ellen like I did. Maybe if she had run this type of campaign 4 years ago things would have been different here. Better luck this time around.

The problem here in Maryland goes beyond the governor. Every one of the Democrats running for the State Senate & Assembly in my District(11th) are members of MAHA (Marylanders Against Handgun Abuse). Even on the Republican side there was only one, Cavey, that was endorsed by the NRA.


I am well aware that this forum is not about abortion per se, but it was brought up not by me, but by another and in the context of personal responsibility as well, in most cases, the two don't mix. Now, I'm not going to get all hog-tied into this, as it truly is...

My Continuing to the thoughts of others. As it blended in politically, I don't think it was completely out of context.
Werks for me. GUN politics it is. I live in VA, own land in So. MD, needless to say, I'm real interested in the election there as well. M2