My collection?


New member
There would be a Mosin in there too but i gave that to my brother last christmas. What do you think?


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I think you are missing your 1911 45ACP and a 22 caliber pistol. If you don't want a 45 you must have a 22LR pistol.
That's a good start! I can't fit all mine in a photo anymore without using a panoramic feature on my camera. Your collection will get bigger as well.
Yep I'll agree with the rest that it's a pretty good start. Looks like you need a Garand, a Mauser 98, a new (to you) Mosin, maybe an SKS. In handguns you definitely need a Ruger Mark II or III, a couple S&W revolvers, maybe a Ruger Blackhawk in .45 Colt. I could go on all day but I'm sure you get the idea, the symptoms never go away, once you get the bug you keep it for life.

LOL you know how long ive been telling myself to buy a shotgun but i keep buying rifles. I really want to add a single action .357, shotgun, weatherby vanguard in .270, and the mosin i gave away. Ill prolly just end up buying another one soon they are still cheap.