My CA CWP came today!


New member
When I moved to Sacramento 6 years ago, I was told that getting a permit was near impossible, and it was true. Two years ago, when I heard the Sheriff tell people to apply and see what happens, I did and was denied for "lack of Good Cause." Now, thanks to the organizations and lawyers behind Heller, McDonald and Sykes, I have a brand new California permit. And, my good cause statement was two words: Self Defense. If you live where you can't carry, never give up hope, because if it can happen here, it can happen anywhere. Thanks, Rob
Congratulations and thank you.

Congratulations on getting a license that must have seemed unattainable just a short while back. Thank you for getting it, because we (as gun owners) need more people in the restrictive states to stand up and exercise their 2A rights.
Congratulations! What an awesome post! As a California ex-patriot, I applaud your tenacity and patience. I also relish in the fact that Self Defense was considered sufficient cause for the permit to be issued.
Way to go!
10 round mag is better than none at all

Very true. Just carry a couple of spare mags..

Congrats on getting your permit in CA. At least we know its not "impossible" to get one in your state, just difficult but possible.
wondering if the Sac County permit is good all over CA, given the state's seeming disregard of the 2nd Amendment ...
No thread on this subject would be complete without mentioning the amazing work of the Calguns foundation. This would not be possible in Sacramento if not for the incredible, strategic, smart, and well-funded legal efforts of Calguns.

Their work has huge implications at the national level as well. Wherever you live, please add the Calguns Foundation to the list of pro-2A organizations you support.

When the antis can be stopped in California, our rights will be safer everywhere.
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Wow WTG Bro, I am from Illinois and if Californians can get CCW permits this gives me hope that some day the dummy-crats and republicants down in springfield will see the light and change our laws!
wondering if the Sac County permit is good all over CA, given the state's seeming disregard of the 2nd Amendment

California permits are valid statewide. The only restrictions on my permit are:
no drinking or drugs while carrying.
no carrying in an establishment PRIMARILY selling alcohol.

so, bar, no, restaurants that serve drinks, fine.

I'm good near schools, in "no guns" businesses and the state pre-emption means i can carry in cities (like San Fransisco) which try to limit my right to carry. Over all, not bad!