My brush-in with the law


New member
I was out last night, and made an unintentional error in judgement. I went straight in a lane that only turns right. It just happens so there was a police car right behind me who didn't agree with my actions and pulled me over. The following is an abbreviated version of what transpired afterwards:

LEO: "License and registration please."

SB: "Yes sir. Uh, protocol. I'm suppose to tell you I have conceal carry permit and I am carrying. How would you like to handle this sir?"

LEO: "Okay. Please step out of the car and keep your hands where I can see them."

He searched for my wallet and my guns. Wallet wasn't a problem, but couldn't find the guns.

LEO: "Where's your gun?"

SB: "On my waist, uh, up front."

He patted until he felt it. I notified him that I had two guns. Couldn't find the other one.

LEO: "Where's your other gun?"

SB: "Also on my waist. Uh, on the other side. No.. yes sir, right there."

He patted and found the other one. Then he lifted my shirt to take a look. And what followed was absolutely priceless. When he finally saw the guns, he just shook his head with an expression that seemed to suggest both shock and disgust. To me, it looked like he was thinking, "Oh my god, this guy has lost his damn mind."

He slowly swung his flashlight towards my friend, who was sitting in the passenger side of the car and couldn't contain his laughter. And then he slowly swung the flashlight at me, and I started laughing too.

He then left with my wallet, and I went back in the car. Minutes later, he arrived again, returning my wallet.

LEO: "You know why I stopped you right?"

SB: "Yes sir, and I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean it on purpose. Won't do it again."

LEO: "I just have a question. Why two guns?"

SB: "Well, you know, one primary, one back-up...."

LEO: "What kind of guns are they?"

SB: "Glock 27s...."

LEO: "Glock .40s??"

SB: "Yes sir."

Then, he had that look again. He shook his head and headed went back to the squad car. By then, back-up arrived and he was talking with the other officer. I didn't hear what they said, but the tone was relaxed, even jovial.

I should state that throughout the entire thing, he was very cool and professional. But I think I amused him. And I must say he amused us tremendously. The look on his face was absolutely priceless.

[This message has been edited by SB (edited May 14, 1999).]
Uh....I suppose I'm gonna lose some credibility here.....
Is this a guy thing?: Why the cop's shock and your amusement?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I still don't get it. Gotta be a guy thing :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
To me, the true comedy is howinhell he managed to hide TWO GLOCKS from casual pat-down, to the point where if the cop HAD been serious about busting him he probably would have put him in jail armed with them two uglypuppies!

My idea of fun is a snubbie in a well-disguised-as-non-gunnie belt pack, a small .22Mag minirevolver in the front pocket and my NAA MiniMaster with altered grips in a "sleeve rig" I'm designing. See also:

(Note: my site is having trouble right now, it's not working as a ".net", only as a ".com". Should be fixed soon but if you're aving problems, that's why. If it keeps up I'll fix all the "internal links".

Jim March
Would've been real funny if you were packin' a 3rd one in deep concealment ;)

"Uh Sir, is that a gun down there or are you just pleased to see me?"

Definately LMAO! :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Looking back, my personal theory on why he was shocked might be because Hollywood has been so notorious about that particular carry position (ie. Replacement Killers, The Matrix, etc.) You know what I mean, with the two guns on the front waist. And seeing that in real life might have given him the impression that I was one of those gung-ho, too much John Woo in his blood types.

My wife thinks that the reason why he was shocked was because of all the gear that I had on. Having lifted my shirt, he would've seen the two guns in Kydex holsters mounted on a Wilderness belt. Otherwise, I should've looked like just another kid in T-shirt and shorts. The friend that was with me later told me, "I should've told him about your knives and your Tomcat!" I currently carry three folders, and I also used to have a Tomcat in my pocket until it started developing reliability problems.

But truth is, I really don't know why he gave me that look. But it sure was funny. The friend that was with me tells me he knows where the officer hangs out. So, I'll be sure to ask if I bump into him again.

Personally, I think having two guns is perfectly normal. Why, I'll bet most of you folks didn't even bat an eyelash when you first heard about it.

As for a beer belly, I don't quite have one.. yet. Heck, one of the main reasons why I carry the way I do is because I'm not big enough around to use strong side without something poking out. And that's with G27s! But I'm working on it. Ever since I got married, I've been slowly and steadily bloating out from my wife's cooking. Pretty soon, I'll get that all-natural drink coaster yet. :)

[This message has been edited by SB (edited May 16, 1999).]
Yep, thats what went thru my mind...I'm thinking: He has a CCW, told the cop he was carrying so whats the big deal?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Officer, Thunderwear is fun to wear!

I suppose the cops can't imagine that you might need one, and certainly not a backup weapon - you know, since they're always there on the scene to protect you before the crime happens.

Frankly, I don't see the point in patting you down at all. I mean, you just told him you have two weapons. He did not disarm you. So what was the point in lifting up your shirt to see? To check to see if you were telling the truth about carrying? To admire your choice in weapons? I don't get it. Why wouldn't an LEO just say "OK, well just don't make any sudden moves...", etc? Why does he need you to step out, or pat you down? Seems a bit intrusive to me.
Reminds me of a bust on COPS.

They raid a drug dealers house (who wasn't home btw) & find his drugs etc & one of the Cops picks up a .45 Colt out of a closest & remarks:"This gun's nicer than mine!...Can I keep it?" LOL !!

Then upon leaving they leave a message on his answering machine: "Hi there, this is the Police...We've got your drugs, your money & your guns. Y'all have a nice day !"

Really did ROTF & LMAO :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"
There was one superfluous detail I left out. The traffic violation was made while trying to get to a McDonalds because my wife wanted ice cream from there. Hormonal women can ask for the strangest things sometimes, but what the boss wants, the boss gets.

When he went back to the squad car to check my IDs, he told me to keep my hands where he can see them. All of my dogs weren't barking and I interpretted that as, "Keep your hands out of the window so he can see it." And while we were sitting there waiting, my cellphone went off. It was my wife since she's the only one that has the number. Well, anyways, my friend couldn't reach it, and I wasn't about to move and get gunned down by a LEO just for a caramel sundae without nuts! So, as the phone rang, my friend asked me what we should do about it. I replied, "Guess the bitch is just gonna have to wait!" :D